6 Budgeting Apps that Help Manage Your Finances

The litany of technological aide available to us has made budgeting a much simpler task than it used to be. No longer do we have to shuffle through piles of paper to find the envelope that we scrawled our monthly bills on. Now, it’s as simple as clicking on an app and having all your information laid out in front of you. To help you find your best options, we’ve made a list of the top six budgeting apps available.

1. Clarity Money

This all-in-one app is as easy to navigate as it is effective. After registering your account, you’ll link your bank accounts to the app and the rest is done for you. The app will list out your recent transactions, monthly income, subscriptions, and more. As a welcome security measure, this app also prevents you from taking screenshots while it’s in use.

2. Mvelopes

Mvelopes combines modern technology with classic financial practices that still work today. The app prompts you to connect your financial accounts and divvy your money into marked digital envelopes. You may have one envelope for groceries, another for bills, and one for savings. The concept is that you should not allow yourself to carry funds from one envelope to another. If you budget correctly, you shouldn’t have to.

3. Unsplurge

This app is perfect for anyone that thrives on encouragement and being held accountable. This app allows you to share your accomplishments with others, and give and receive motivation. You use the app by tracking your savings by the cent so that you—and others—can watch your savings increase.

4. Wally

For folks that like to keep things simple, here is a straightforward money-tracking solution. If you’re guilty of overspending from time to time, keep this app on hand so you can keep record of where exactly your money is going, and if it’s where is should be.

5. Goodbudget

Goodbudget doesn’t require a link to your bank account, so it’s the ideal option for anyone weary of sharing their private information. This also follows the classic envelope system, and it’s a great option for families trying to track all their finances as one unit. Family members can always be on the same page regarding the budget, as it allows you to sync mobile accounts.

6. Qapital

Qapital takes the dreary aspect of saving and puts a positive twist on it. You can look forward to the rewards that your savings will give you and enjoy the moment at the same time. Qapital gives clever budgeting tips and allows you a savings and spending account. They even offer incentives for bypassing your guilty pleasures.

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