Macedonia City Council Candidate Bio – Vini J. Ventura

Vini J. Ventura, 65, is a 30-year resident of Macedonia. He lives with his wife Darleen on Bruce Road. Vini has three children and three grandchildren. He is a 1970 graduate of Bedford High School, and following high school he served three years in the US Army and one with the Ohio National Guard. Vini attended the Ohio State Police Academy and is a 42-year veteran of law enforcement.

Vini has never held any political offices, but he does serve the local area in several positions related to law enforcement. He is a Certified Police Instructor specializing in Firearms Training & State Mandated Qualification, and actively holds training classes for officers. Vini is President of the Cuyahoga County Critical Incident Management Team, and serves as a Team Coordinator and as a trained Peer Support Specialist. During his tenure with this team, Vini was able to offer support to NYPD officers after 9/11. Vini is also vice president of the Northfield Lions club and a board member for FOP Lodge #67. He currently serves as vice chairman for Macedonia’s Civil Service Commission.

As a council member, Vini hopes to be part of the resurgence to bring integrity & respect back into Macedonia. Vini will work on bringing residents together for a common goal. He feels Macedonia needs to be economically sound and council should give residents a clear picture of the direction the city is working towards. To Vini, Macedonia is the anchor of Nordonia Hills and needs to continue taking the lead as a city that others look to for guidance.

All candidates are encouraged to submit Bio’s. See related article.

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Julie D'Aloiso
Julie D'Aloiso
Owner of SpiderCat Marketing, Station Manager at NEO Community Radio, and content manager for NordoniaHills.News

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