Recorded 4-25-19 at 2:30pm
Today In the Cleveland Sports Show, Darayus and Andrew are almost out of breath with all of the topics that they have to talk about this week! We’ve got NBA playoff talk, UEFA Champions League updates, as well as an analysis from Andrew on this year’s upcoming NFL Draft.
Darayus Sethna is 16 years old and is a Sophomore year at Nordonia High School. He is a major Cav’s fan and enjoys watching the NBA. He is part of the Nordonia sports broadcasting program and hopes to become an NBA color analyst one day.
Andrew Thompson is 14 years old and is a Freshman at Nordonia High School. He plays the saxophone for the band and is a huge Cleveland Browns fan. He is part of the Nordonia sports broadcasting program and hopes to become a Journalist.
Send your questions to Darayus via twitter @nordoniasports
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