6 Popular Types of Residential Wooden Doors To Choose From

Out of the various home improvements you can do, an entry door upgrade may be worthwhile. If you’re unsure of the type of door that’ll best suit your home, use this guide on popular residential wooden doors to help you choose the perfect door!


Poplar is one of the greatest types of wood if you want to paint the surface. Many homeowners adore painting the entry door in an accent color. Poplar is a lovely choice because there’s no need to sand the wood. The light brown hues, minimal grain, and smooth surface make it an ideal base to add a few coats of paint to create the accent entry door of your dreams.


The coarse grain of hickory wooden doors creates a beautiful, organic appearance. It’s extraordinarily strong and ideal for ample protection as an entry door.

Aside from the durability of hickory, it’s also a versatile material that can acquire various finishes. A clear coat that showcases the grain and natural color is the first option. Or, if you want to add more color to the grain, you can apply different colored stains to the wood.


When exploring different popular types of residential wooden doors to choose from, you’ll find there are many amazing advantages of teak doors. Teak is one of the strongest hardwood materials that effortlessly withstands the presence of termites and quickly changing temperatures. The minimal maintenance that teak wood doors require creates a high resistance to rot or decay.


The non-porous quality of mahogany wood makes the material especially desirable. As it stands sturdily against moisture, it also shows off hues ranging from a light pink to a dark reddish brown.

Mahogany is more costly than other wooden materials since it’s not as readily available compared to other wood species. Homeowners can even add their own unique customizations to the material, such as carvings and engravings. Depending on the customizations and inherent properties of the mahogany, the prices can range greatly to receive the door of your dreams.


Pine is a softer type of wood that doesn’t withstand weather as well as other types of wood. Despite this fact, pine remains a preferable wooden door for many residential areas. Instead of making up exterior entry doors, you’ll notice pine wood is common for interiors. Since it easily becomes scratched and dented and can’t withstand changing temperatures or excessive moisture, pine wood will function much better indoors.


Oak is a dense type of hardwood that’s a common material for furniture and kitchen cabinets. Additionally, it’s a wonderful species to install for an exterior door.

However, before you choose the first oak door you see, remember that there are two different types of oak: red and white. Red oak is an easily stainable material with a large grain pattern. But it’s not as durable as white oak.

The strength of white oak is comparable to the durability of mahogany. It’s more capable of resisting insects and water, which makes it one of the best wood materials to choose from!

After learning about these amazing options, you’re sure to find the perfect door to fit your home!

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