Highlights from the Northfield Center Township Public Hearing on the Consent Decree with Northfield Center Development
- To review – This Consent Decree is an agreement between NCT and the developer to eliminate any pending litigation.
- Lot size will be 16,000 sq. feet on 6-7 acres of development
- This size is a compromise to accommodate green space which the Township will control.
- The agreement is subject to the approval of the Summit County Engineer re: water control
- Public Forum
- Concern that smaller lot size will reflect badly on current residential lot size
- Concern that construction will affect the current watershed.
- Concern that current water problems will not be fixed in lieu of fixing future problems
Highlights from the Northfield Center Township Work Session
- Changes to the Purchasing Policy & Procedures and Credit Card Policy were discussed
- Revisions to the Purchasing Policy related to competitive bidding and procedures for different levels of spending
- The upper threshold of credit card use is $1,000 which adds another layer of accountability.
- Invoices and purchase requisitions are needed for purchases over $1,500.
Highlights from the Northfield Center Township Regular Trustee Meeting
- The NH Chamber of Commerce State of the Communities is Sept. 12 at Spennato’s. It is open to the public. Steve Wright will represent NCT.
- The public will have the opportunity to ask questions about the bank building purchase on Sept. 25, Oct. 10 and Oct. 26.
- Basement work is complete.
- The area behind Giant Eagle, Target and Great Escape continues to be waterlogged. The Township will work with JEDD to resolve the issues. Macedonia and Summit County engineers have been contacted.
- Public Forum
- The creeks continue to be backed up and need to be maintained.
- A resident cleared Brandywine Creek at his own expense.