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From NCT Trustee Paul Buescher – Feb 6 2018 NewsLetter


#524  TUESDAY  FEBRUARY 06, 2018


We are seriously looking into the possibility of putting a road levy on this year’s November ballot.  During discussions at last night’s Trustees meeting, residents were assured that we will have a public hearing or townhall type of meeting to present the levy to the public and answer all related questions.  We anticipate one of these meetings to occur sometime in late March. 


Resident volunteers will soon be solicited for a number of yet to be formed committees.  These committees would help with updating our township website and help with parks, safety and services.  Details have yet to be worked out so watch for more information in the near future. 


Another subject brought up at last night’s Trustees meeting was emergency generators.  Recent power outages prompted me to propose the purchase and installation of generators at both our townhall and service department buildings.  I have requested funding help from Congressman Joyce’s office through possible FEMA or DHS grants.  Having these generators would allow our Township to continue functioning during emergencies and even help to provide emergency shelter for our residents in need, especially during the extremely cold weather that we’ve been experiencing this winter. 


 Q >>> – Paul, I hope this new year finds you well. I love the email newsletter. Lots of good info. Keep up the great work! I noticed that you are liaison to the sheriff’s department.  I would like to ask for assistance on a growing problem on Beechwood and Cherry Lane. 

Recently there have been close calls with traffic obviously speeding and doing “California stops”, or rolling stops, on both streets. Cars that are cutting through as well as residents of both streets. Why anyone would be in such a hurry befuddles me. Both streets are 25mph and Beechwood even has a sign that prohibits cut through traffic. 

A white Dodge Durango was going so fast down Cherry Lane, that when he hit a depression in the road, he actually bottomed out the rear of his vehicle. I was walking my dogs a few weeks ago and a vehicle backing out of her driveway, and not paying attention, actually struck me with her vehicle! She was going slow, but not looking where she was going, and I tried to get out of the way, but a snow bank stopped me. She got out and apologized, and I was unhurt, but if she harmed one of my animals, there would have been World War 3 on Cherry Lane, as well as legal action. 

I believe maybe a Sheriffs cruiser or some other police presence would cut out this dangerous and uncalled for practice. If fear, with spring right around the corner, an accident that results in serious injury is inevitable. Maybe a ticket or two would quell the speeders and distracted drivers. Be well and keep up the great work!

A >>> – I sent your concern to the Sheriff’s Office so that they can keep an extra eye out for violators.  Keep in mind however, that your concerns are shared by MANY other residents throughout our entire Township.  Several hundred traffic tickets were issued by our local Sheriff’s deputies last year and judging by the complaints, that is only scratching the surface. 

You should also know that the “No Thru Traffic” sign is very old and totally unenforceable.  Township streets are all public, paid for and maintained with tax dollars and therefore accessible to everyone.  Also, I am happy that you and the dogs were not hurt.


Q >>> – I think you guys are letting all of us taxpayers get screwed with the outcome of some of the so called investigations on criminal acts.  You don’t know what the liquid was at the vandalism at the fire station and now you have R. Barrett that committed a felony by stealing $10,000 from the taxpayers and gets a slap on the wrist?  Are you satisfied with these outcomes?  Im not!!!!!

A >>> –  Am I “satisfied”?  No.  However, both incidents that you mention were thoroughly investigated by the Sheriff’s Office, the Prosecutor’s Office and the BCI.  In the case of Rosemary Barrett, Common Pleas Judge Alison Breaux, made the decision, not us.  That’s how our legal system ‘works.’ What more do you expect us to do?  And don’t forget, it was a couple of us who discovered the Barrett theft and initiated the investigation in the first place!


Q >>> – The plow truck knocked out my mailbox the other day when they were plowing the streets this is the second time this is happened to where I actually had to replace the whole mailbox last year I was told if I contacted you that there is a possibility that they would come and fix the mailbox so if you could please let me know if there is a possibility I would appreciate it.

A >>> – I had our Service Department investigate your complaint.  They discovered that there was no way that the plow driver hit your mailbox.  Instead, it was obvious that someone backed out of your driveway and hit it.  Our drivers are more than willing to fix or replace a mailbox that they hit but, in this case, they didn’t do it.


Q >>> – Is there anything Northfield Center does or can do about the menacing deer and coyote issue that I see on going?  Each winter it is an issue; however this one appears to be the worst, and it is only the beginning of February.  Deer have done hundreds of dollars of damage to my bushes, along with my neighbors; we try to keep them tightly trimmed to look somewhat appealing, but now we need to take them out because the bareness will look awful come summer.  There is a family of at least four deer we see roaming the neighborhood causing havoc.  Then the amount of coyotes we have been seeing is a bit scary, especially for all the cats and little dogs we have in the neighborhood.  ​ 

In Aurora, where I work, when the deer population becomes excessive, they issue permits to registered hunters to thin out the herd, which is done in the wooded areas.  I have spent an ample amount of money on that “deer/rabbit away” spray too; they just use It as mouthwash now.  Any help you could give would be appreciated by many.  Thank you

A >>> – Our Township has no resources or authority to deal with deer and coyote issues.  When I moved into the Township I also had to deal with the wildlife issue that you mentioned.  The deer ate many of the plants, shrubs and trees that I planted.  It was aggravating but I dealt with it by learning what the deer did not like and planted those types of landscaping and have had no problems since then.  I also have a fenced in backyard but after both of my dogs were still sprayed twice by skunks, I am still working on that issue!  Until then, I keep an ample supply on hand of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda! 

Coyotes have been around for a long time and are a part of our natural environment, especially considering our close proximity to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.  These are normally shy animals but they are also hunters – That’s what they do to survive.  It’s incumbent upon those who have small pets to watch over them when outside in areas where coyotes are known to roam. 

Also, most Villages and Cities prohibit hunting except for the special permits that you mentioned.  However, hunting and shooting are permitted in every township in Ohio.  I mention this only for legal purposes.  With that said, there are many more laws and regulations involving shooting and hunting within populated areas and you MUST familiarize yourself with them prior to any of these activities.


Q >>> – Does the Northfield Center Service Department have a schedule of some for filling in the pot holes? There is a massive, jagged pot hole in the westbound lane on Twinsburg Rd. near the Wolfscape entrance or the Rt. 8 underpass.  It is so big and deep, it is one that could definitely damage a car versus the “normal, obnoxious” ones on Olde 8.

A >>> – In answer to your question, our Service Department fills pot holes on our Township streets on an as needed basis.  Our personnel routinely inspect the roadways and they act upon resident concerns.  Your concern about Twinsburg Road and Olde 8 has been passed on to Summit County because these are COUNTY roadways and it’s the County Engineer’s responsibility to maintain them.  I have seen County personnel filling pot holes on their roadways but with the weather we’ve been having lately, this is going to be an ongoing process.


NOTE – If you would like your name to appear under your Comments, please type the word “Signed” next to your name


Thank you for choosing to continue to do your informative and helpful newsletter; I can safely say that you and I are on the same page as to our thinking.


Thank you, 

Paul G. Buescher

Northfield Center Twp. – Trustee



Paul Buescher
Paul Buescher
Northfield Center Trustee

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