The average person only enjoys 1-2 days out of the week. Most American’s find their lives incredibly annoying and use Hulu and Netflix to escape our unfulfilled, hectic, and stressful work-filled lives. Here are a few tips on how to have a fantastic, less stressful week.
The 3 point system for pinpointing the problems of your week are :
- Understanding and combating factors that make your least favorite day so terrible
- Reframe that day in a different context
- Insert at least one activity you love into that day as a weekly routine.
Start with a list of everyday things you don’t enjoy. For example: “I hate Mondays because I have to go back to work.” It has to be more than that. Is it the commute to work, your co-workers, or the workload? Then you can work on eliminating that pain point, or reduce it, make it more enjoyable, or counteract by following it with an activity that brings joy.
Next, try to rethink how you view your least favorite day. Consider Mondays the January of the week, a new start in which you strive to do better. Make the rest of the week a domino effect. Take inspiration from Monday and tack it on to Tuesday, get your to-do list done on Wednesday, make every Thursday “Turkey Day,” and be grateful for what you have, Friday party like a rock star after work, Saturday plan a day of fun and relax on Sunday.
Finally, fill your least favorite days with something you love here are some examples:
- Drink sangria in the park
- Feed animals in the zoo
- See a movie
- Spend time with someone you love
- Call a friend
- Take a walk outside
- Get a massage
- Treat yourself to a pedicure.
- Join an exercise class
- Take an instrument lesson.
- Go to therapy
- Read a novel
- Have friends or family over for dinner
- Bake a cake
- Sign up for an art class
- Listen to your favorite podcast.
- Read a newspaper
- Get in some quality time with your pet.
- Meditate
- Indulge in magazines
- Enjoy a beautiful warm bath night.
- Play video games
- Write something creative
- Play tennis/racquetball/basketball with a friend
- Watch sports, live or on TV.
- Buy a new shirt
- Catnap in your office chair
- Sip two cups of good hot black coffee
- Wear pink on Wednesdays (like the Plastics in “Mean Girls”)
- Host game night (Sunday night Scrabble, Monday night Monopoly)
- Go out to a fun restaurant (TGIFriday’s, anyone?)
- Have a movie night (Ice Cube and Chris Tucker’s “Friday” perhaps)
- Eat a yummy meal (Taco Tuesday! Wednesday Waffles!)
- Slurp ice cream (Moose Tracks Mondays, Hot Fudge Sundays)
- Watch a favorite old TV show (“Friday Night Lights”)
“write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Inspired by The Wisdom Project