April 6 Updates to Summit County Continuity of Services


SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—On March 22, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health issued a statewide Stay At Home order. Per the order, county services and employees are essential. As such, county offices will continue to operate while restricting some access to the public. Residents can still access most services by phone, internet or mail.

The following offices and agencies have offered updated guidance as to how the public can access county services. Guidance is subject to change. Some county offices have temporarily suspended public access. Information for some city, village and township offices has also been included.

2020 Census: Summit County residents have begun receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. They are encouraged to complete it at www.my2020census.gov. Residents can also complete the census by calling 844-330-2020 or by mailing the questionnaire. More information about how to complete the 2020 Census can be found at https://2020census.gov/en/ways-to-respond.html.

Child Care: Job and Family Services has implemented Temporary Pandemic Child Care Licenses that allow approved programs to serve children whose parents are employees providing health, safety and other essential services; they are the only child care facilities allowed to provide care effective March 26, 2020.

Summit County has approximately 60 centers approved for Pandemic Child Care. An updated list of providers can be found at http://jfs.ohio.gov/cdc/CoronavirusAndChildcareForFamilies/. Providers who would like to become a pandemic provider should complete JFS 01258 to apply for a temporary pandemic child care license. This form can be used by existing ODJFS-licensed child care centers when designated as an emergency child care location as well as new programs applying for a temporary pandemic child care system license. The form is available at http://www.odjfs.state.oh.us/forms/num/JFS01258.

All providers must show proof of, or obtain, a Certificate of Occupancy. Information about obtaining this certificate can be found at http://co.summitoh.net/index.php/departments/environmental-services/building-standards. Providers must also complete JFS 01259 to document how the child’s parent meets the requirement of providing health and safety services as defined by ODJFS. This form is available at http://www.odjfs.state.oh.us/forms/num/JFS01259.

Unemployment Benefits: Residents can apply online at www.unemployment.ohio.gov or by calling 1-877-644-6562 or TTY 1-614-387-8408 (excluding holidays) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Due to the COVID-19 situation, long wait times are common for those choosing to call. Please consider applying online if possible. The requirement to come into an OhioMeansJobs Center to begin a job search once a claim is filed is being suspended until further notice by the State. To better meet the increased need for services, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has expanded its unemployment call center hours. Individuals needing to reset their PIN or submit an application may call 1-877-OHIO-JOB (1-877-644-6562) toll-free during the following days and times: Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Small Business and Employee Support: The City of Akron, County of Summit, and the Greater Akron Chamber created a website to serve as a resource for businesses and employees to stay informed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit https://gaccovid19.org/ for more information.

Public Purchase Auctions: Effective immediately, the Purchasing Division of the Executive’s Office of Finance and Budget, will be suspending Public Surplus Auctions. Current auctions that have not closed will be taken down. Contact (330) 643-2557 with questions.

Medical Examiner: Beginning Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 2 p.m., the Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office will restrict public access to its building. Visitors will be required to call in from the call box by the front door prior to being allowed in the lobby area.

Building Standards: Beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 at 12 p.m., Summit County Department of Building Standards will temporarily suspend public access at the 1030 E. Tallmadge Ave. location. The office will continue to accept permit requests, inspection requests, and plan submittals through www.BSAonline.com, mail or email. If you currently have access to BSAonline.com as a registered contractor, continue using this option for applying for permits and scheduling inspections. If you are applying for a permit, scheduling inspections or submitting plans, with no access to BS&A, please complete the proper forms located on our Building Standards website, www.buildingstandards.summitoh.net. You may mail the completed forms into our office, or email documents to submittals@summitoh.net. Payments can be made through the Official Payments website, https://www.officialpayments.com/, as we will only be taking Credit Card payments at this time.

A remote inspection policy has been implemented. An attempt will be made to conduct inspections via Skype or Face-time for all occupied structures within areas of Summit County which are inspected by the Department of Building Standards. When requesting an inspection, please be prepared to have personnel onsite with video chat capability (smartphone) in order to conduct the inspection. Inspections for vacant structures, outdoor inspections such as postholes and new AC compressors will still be conducted by Summit County Department of Building Standards personnel. Processing applications for Certificate of Occupancy requests for existing structures will be temporarily suspended as well.

Job and Family Services: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., Summit County Department of Job and Family Services (JFS) will temporarily suspend public access at the 1180 S. Main St. and 1040 E. Tallmadge Ave. locations. This includes the OhioMeansJob Center. Documents and correspondence can be uploaded at www.summitdjfs.org, faxed to 866-351-8292, dropped in the exterior drop box at the S. Main location, or mailed to 1180 S Main St, Suite 102, Akron OH 44301-1256. To apply for, renew or update cash, food, medical or child care assistance, call 1- 844-640-6446 or apply online at www.Benefits.Ohio.gov. To report abuse, neglect or exploitation of seniors, please call 330-643-7217.

Community Development: As of March 16, Home Weatherization Program, Lead Remediation Program, HSTS (septic replacement program), and Minor Home Repair Program work has been rescheduled.

Sanitary Sewer Services: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., Sanitary Sewer Services will temporarily suspend public access. Residents can pay their sewer bill online at https://summitoh.firstbilling.com/ or use the drop box location at 1180 S. Main St in Akron. Only checks may be deposited in the drop box. In case of an emergency, staff can be reached 24 hours a day at 800-828-2087.

Animal Control: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., Animal Control will temporarily suspend public access. Volunteer services are suspended until further notice. Until public access has been restored, only law enforcement will be able to make drops off at Animal Control. Members of the public who wish to be reunited with their animal should call 330-643-2845 to schedule an appointment.

Planning Commission: The March 26 meeting has been cancelled. All documents and requests for text amendments will be done electronically. Please send information and questions to Stephen Knittel at sknittel@summitoh.net.

County Council: Per an Order from Summit County Public Health, specifically Resolution No. 017-20, members of the general public are not permitted to attend the March 30th Summit County Council meeting in person. Certain Council Members also plan to attend this meeting electronically as is permitted by law to promote social distancing. Members of the public to attend the March 30th meeting electronically via a live stream of the meeting on the Council Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Summit-County-Council-102264681424468/. Per the Order, Press may attend the March 30th meeting in person. However, we recommend members of the Press view the live stream instead. Everyone in attendance MUST practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet apart from one another. The March 30th Committee meeting will begin at 4 p.m. and will immediately be followed by a Council meeting.

Board of Elections: The primary election will run through April 28. Voters must submit a request in writing and the request must contain an original signature. They can begin requesting ballots immediately. This means no non-UOCAVA applications will be accepted by email or fax. The ballot request application is available at www.summitcountyboe.gov. Voters can also call 330-643-5200 to request an application be mailed. Applications can be mailed to 470 Grant Street, Akron, 44311 or dropped off at the board office located at 470 Grant Street during business hours (Mon-Fri 8:00am -4:30pm). Voters will receive an empty ballot with a postage-paid envelope and have until April 27 to mail it back or drop it off at a curbside county ballot box. If you have already voted and returned a ballot by mail or in person, you do not need to request a second ballot. All eligible ballots cast will be tabulated.

Clerk of Courts: Services will restricted starting Monday March 16 at noon in the interest of public health. E-Filing and online public record requests will continue as normal. The Clerk’s Courthouse lobby will close; the only exception to this closure is for the filing of protection orders. Processing of background checks is suspended until further notice. Pro se litigants are encouraged to utilize our electronic filing system or mail in their filings to our office at 205 S. High St., Akron, OH 44308. Title offices in Akron, Green, Fairlawn, and Northfield will close until further notice. Dealer title work can be submitted electronically or the title work can be dropped off at the Main Title office and picked up the following day. For the public, customers who have title processing needs, please call the Main Title office at 330-630-7200 to facilitate processing title by mail. Call 330-643-2212 for more information.

Engineer: Person-to-person interactions will be limited at the main administration building located at 538 East South Street in Akron and the public services administration office located at 601 East Crosier Street in Akron, and the Boston Mills Station located at 1928 Boston Mills Road in Boston Township. All non-essential meetings are cancelled. Citizens, contractors, and developers are asked to conduct their business with the County Engineer’s Office through phone (330-643-2860), fax (330-762-7829), and email (general information email: info@summitengineer.net) where possible. A drop off area will be established in the lobby of the main administration building at 538 East South Street for any consultants, contractors or developers needing to hand deliver plans and permits to the office. Road maintenance crews and construction and bridge inspectors will continue to operate as normal, keeping County roads and bridges safe for motorists. More information is available at http://www.summitengineer.net/.

Fiscal: Beginning March 16 at 12 p.m., public access is suspended at the main branch at 175 S. Main St. in downtown Akron, and two satellite locations at 1030 E. Tallmadge Ave., Akron and 1180 S. Main St., Suite 250, Akron. The public may access Fiscal Office services by phone at 330-643-2632 or 330-643-2759, email at summittreas@summitoh.net, or online at http://FiscalOffice.summitoh.net.

Sheriff: starting March 23, 2020 the Sheriff’s Office will be placing all civilian and part-time employees on modified work schedules to include working from home. In addition, the following changes in services will take place at the Summit County Jail:

Onsite inmate visitation will be temporarily discontinued. All inmate visitation will be conducted offsite via video. Inmate video visits may be scheduled by visiting icsolutions.com. Inmate visitation appointments will be available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Accident Reports will be available online by visiting our website at www.co.summit.oh.us/sheriff. Click Information>Records/ID>Incident & Accident Reports to view the window for the CARFAX link. Reports will be uploaded as Records receives them.

Incident reports will be available by calling 330-643-2141 to request a copy by mail or via email. People may also send a request via email to Records@sheriff.summitoh.net.

For all other records, people should call 330-643-2141 or email Records@sheriff.summitoh.net.

Should anyone have any questions regarding an inmate account, they can visit our website at www.co.summit.oh.us/sheriff. Click Corrections/Jail>Inmate Services. There, they will find information on how to deposit money on an inmate’s account by phone or online. Lobby kiosks are still available for cash/credit card deposits. Should anyone have any further questions, they can call 330-643-8213.

Beginning Wednesday March 25, 2020, all CCW applications, including renewal applications will be by appointment only. Individuals should contact 330-643-2141 to schedule an appointment. Appointments will be available Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

If anyone has been previously notified that their CCW license is ready for pickup, they must schedule an appointment at CCWNotification@sheriff.summitoh.net to make arrangements to pick their license pickup.

Follow up questions should be directed to Inspector William Holland at 330-643-2114.

Prosecutor: Residents with urgent and specific questions about their case and any subsequent hearings should email info@prosecutor.summitoh.net and include the following details: Name, Case #, Judge, Date of Next Hearing, Contact Information. More information is available at http://co.summitoh.net/prosecutor/.

Child Support Enforcement Agency: Public access have been suspended at the 175 S Main St office effective March 16 until further notice. Staff remain onsite at this time to ensure families receive the financial support they need. Correspondence with CSEA staff can be made phone by calling 330-643-2765 or through the Ohio Child Support Customer Service Portal by visiting http://jfs.ohio.gov/Ocs/CustServWebPortalWelcome2.stm. Parents and caretakers can send secure, case-specific messages to county case managers through the portal. For parents and caretakers who have hearings scheduled at CSEA, these hearings will be conducted by telephone through April 30, 2020. In order to participate in the hearing by telephone, clients should call 330.643.2765 or you can email us at summitcseadocs@jfs.ohio.gov. Beginning March 16, phone calls will be made to clients with hearings scheduled this week to inform them not to appear at CSEA, but to phone in for their hearings. While CSEA will temporarily suspend taking payments in person, there are several options available for parents to make timely child support payments, including online, by phone, by mail, by app or by MoneyGram. More information is available at http://co.summitoh.net/prosecutor/.

Common Pleas Court: All trials are suspended through May 1, with the exception of Stanley Ford. Inmates will not be transported from the Summit County Jail to the courthouse for fourteen days. All civil and criminal matters will be handled through telephone or video calls, and all mediation sessions will be suspended through May 1. All arraignments involving out of custody defendants shall be postponed or continued through May 1 People on probation who are scheduled to report should do so via telephone, and should expect to be contacted by the Summit County Adult Probation Department. All Sheriff Sales are suspended through May 1. All foreclosures, evictions and any judgment relating to real property shall be suspended up and through May 1. All filing deadlines imposed on any party or interested party pertaining to any foreclosure or judgment relating to real property shall be tolled up and through May 1. This timeframe may be extended if deemed necessary and appropriate. More information is available at https://www.summitcpcourt.net/summit-county-common-pleas-court-general-division-plan-for-addressing-covid-19-update-4/.

Domestic Relations Court: Remember the Children Programs scheduled for March 21, and all programs in the month of April are cancelled. The Working Together Programs scheduled for March 26, April 9 and April 23 are cancelled. Parties scheduled for these programs dates will be rescheduled for a subsequent date. The Positive Solutions Program for the month of April is cancelled. All hearings except for domestic violence will now be held remotely, either by phone or video conference. In order to minimize person to person contact, we are temporarily waiving the requirement for Domestic Violence Civil Protection Petitions to be notarized. More information is available at https://drcourt.org/wp/covid19/.

Juvenile Court: The Court has decided to continue all non-essential, non-emergency hearings for the next four (4) weeks. The following hearings will go forward as emergency and/or mandatory hearings:

    1. Detention hearings for youth that have been held in detention or at Safe Landing
    2. Shelter Care Hearings
    3. Dependency, Abuse & Neglect Adjudicatory and Dispositional Hearings
    4. Requests for Juvenile Protection Orders
    5. Any felony delinquency or violent misdemeanor hearing, upon the request of the Prosecutor, due to a risk to community safety
    6. Any hearing, upon written request of any party, because an immediate hearing is necessary to protect the best interests of a child
    7. Hearings during which a child will be returned to a parent

Some of these hearings may be conducted by telephone, if the parties so agree. In lieu of scheduled Review Hearings, the parties are asked to provide written updates to the Court. The preferred means of providing these reports is by a written report to be filed with the Clerk. The preferred method of filing is via mail to 650 Dan Street, Akron 44310 or fax to 330-643-2987. Trials and hearings other than those outlined above as mandatory and/or emergency hearings that are scheduled during the next four weeks will be continued by the Court. Updates will be provided on our website at www.juvenilecourt.summitoh.net. The public can also call their assigned Court worker or 330-643-2900 for information.

Probate Court: The Probate Court will remain open. If you do not need to file something immediately please wait until the crisis is past. You also have an eFiling option and can use this for any filing. Many court appearances can be changed to telephone statuses. If you are set for a status, please feel free to contact the Court to change it to a phone status. Non-essential hearings may be continued, but a Motion for a continuance must be filed. The Court is cancelling any Help Desk personal appearances. If you want to get a Marriage License, please fill out your paperwork on line and bring it to Court with you. This will decrease the amount of time spent in the Courthouse. Court Investigators will be available by telephone. To reach the Court Investigator on call, please call 330-643-8771. More information is available at https://summitohioprobate.com/coronavirus-covid-19/.

Ninth District Court of Appeals: The Court will continue to process and decide cases as described in more detail at http://www.ninth.courts.state.oh.us/Forms/Covid%20notice.pdf. The Court’s main office is closed to visitors, but questions can be answered by calling (330) 643-2250.

Akron Municipal Court: The Court has updated several procedures effective April 1, 2020 through the end of May 2020. These updates are available at https://www.akronmunicipalcourt.org/news/akron-municipal-court-outlines-plan-for-april-and-may-in-response-to-covid-19-threat/.

Barberton Municipal Court: Courthouse access is restricted to employees and those who are essential to cases (plaintiffs, defendants, attorneys and witnesses). Anyone who is ill or at high risk should notify the court and avoid in-person proceedings. Traffic court defendants may request an automatic 21-day continuance of their arraignment by calling 330-861-7191. Requests for continuances of in-person scheduled matters may be mailed in or faxed to 330-848-6779. All jury trials are suspended at least through March 27 unless a person’s constitutional right to a speedy trial is in jeopardy. Defendants may request an initial video appearance via Skype, FaceTime, or Facebook Video by submitting their request to courts@cityofbarberton.com. The Clerk of Court’s Office will be closed on Saturdays; the public is encouraged to use online payment to cut down on in-person visits.

Stow Municipal Court: Jury trails for criminal and civil matters are suspended. Arraignments typically heard in one courtroom will be shared with the other five courtrooms to keep lines of defendants to 10 or less. The court plans to expand telephonic and video conferencing. Schedules will be coordinated with prosecutors, public defenders and defense attorneys “to minimize the volume of in-person hearings taking place at the courthouse for at least the next few weeks.” More information available at https://stowmunicourt.com/.

Akron Law Library: The Akron Law Library on the 4th floor of the Courthouse will be closing to the public on March 16 at 4:00 p.m. Staff is working remotely, but will continue to handle legal research requests by telephone (330-643-2804) or email (abarnhart@akronlawlib.org or Circulation@akronlawlib.org).

Summit County Public Health WIC: Effective March 17, infants (less than one year of age) do not need to attend appointments and appointment times will be reduced. Please limit the number of family members brought to an appointment. Sanitary measures will be enforced. Please call the office before attending a scheduled appointment. Office contact information can be found at https://www.scph.org/wic/contact.

Developmental Disabilities Board: Summit DD staff will continue to provide services and support to individuals, families and disability providers using remote work capabilities, in accordance with physical distancing recommendations from County and State health officials. Public access has been temporarily suspended to our three locations in Tallmadge (89 E. Howe Road, Tallmadge), Barberton (501 West Hopocan Avenue, Barberton), and Cuyahoga Falls (2355 Second Street, Cuyahoga Falls). Summit DD is working to help disability service providers prepare for an expected shortage of Direct Support Professionals. Any resident impacted by unemployment and interested in providing direct care is encouraged to contact DirectSupport@SummitDD.org. Summit DD will connect you to local providers looking to hire these vital positions immediately. Up-to-date information is available at https://www.summitdd.org/coronavirus/.

Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board: The ADM Crisis Center and Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES) are open and accepting patients 24/7 for addiction and mental health related emergencies. The provider network is open and operating essential services in the community- including detox, residential treatment, MAT programs and outpatient treatment for all levels of care. Residents feeling overwhelmed or troubled by COVID-19, or any situation requiring emotional support, should call the local Crisis Hotline at 330-434-9144 or use the Crisis Textline- text 4HOPE to 741-741.

Children Services: SCCS is urging the community to come together via virtual means to raise awareness for child abuse prevention by wearing blue on Wednesday, April 8th. To share your wear blue pictures, you can tag the SCCS Facebook page or email your pictures directly to EdeS@summitkids.org.

The child 24-hour hotline will be transferred to the Sheriff’s Department where messages will be taken and trained caseworkers will promptly return calls for detailed information. SCCS does not anticipate any long delays in returning phone calls. However, if you need to report imminent risk to a child, you should contact law enforcement directly.

Face to face family interaction and visitation for children in agency custody has been temporarily suspended as children may carry the COVID-19 virus without symptoms and unknowingly place their parents, siblings, grandparents and other family members as well as the families of caregivers at risk. SCCS is working on the technology issues to allow parents and children options for contact other than face-to-face through phone, skype, and other available options.

The agency will be closed to visitors unless an appointment has been scheduled and approved. As of Monday, March 23, 2020 the gates will be closed and all visitors will be required to check in with security prior to entering agency premises.

All trainings through the Northeast Ohio Regional Training Center (NEORTC) for caseworkers, supervisors and foster parents have been suspended at this time. The NEORTC staff at SCCS is working to increase the availability of on-line training opportunities. All volunteer and in-person donation programs have also been suspended until further notice. More information is available at https://www.summitkids.org/.

Veterans Service Commission: A series of new processes and procedures to help ensure the wellbeing of the community and staff are in place. Any scheduled public meetings in Freedom Hall have been cancelled until further notice. More information is available at https://www.vscsummitoh.us/covid-19-statement/.

Direction Home Akron Canton: There have been no significant changes to processes and procedures. All programs continue to provide services, and telephonic systems are being developed by the Ohio Departments of Aging and Medicaid to reduce face to face contacts. Older adults requiring assistance due to COVID-19 can call our Aging and Disability Resource Center at 877-770-5558 or their local 211 for resources.

United Way 2-1-1: Residents in need of food, shelter, utility assistance or other necessities should call 2-1-1 or visit http://www.211summit.org/. Support the community through the Akron Summit County COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund. Donate at http://bit.ly/2Qdze8s; 100 percent of donations will go toward crisis relief.

Coventry Township: All Township Administrative Offices will be CLOSED to “walk-in” traffic or “in person” meetings until further notice. Please correspond via telephone or email. Administration (Trustees/Fiscal): 330-644-0785, ext. 690 or bryant@coventrytownship.com. Zoning: 330-644-0785, ext. 695 or meyerhoff@coventrytownship.com. Road: 330-644-0785, ext. 680 or stouffer@coventrytownship.com. Fire: 330-644-3228 or ops@coventrytownship.com Dial 9-1-1 emergencies.

Lakemore Village: All Village Administrative Offices will be CLOSED to “walk-in” traffic until further notice. Please correspond via telephone or email. Administration /Fiscal / Zoning 330- 733-6125 ext. 3 or tfast@lakemoreohio.org. Water/Sewer/Trash billing 330-733-6125 ext. 4 or billing@lakemoreohio.org. Public Service emergencies 330-573-6318. Fire firechief@lakemoreohio.org or call 330-733-6125 ext. 5. Police please call the dispatcher at 234- 334-7651.

City of Akron: Customer service departments will be closed to in-person visits effective immediately, until further notice. More information is available at https://www.akronohio.gov/cms/news/4fd432a6dfef574f/index.html.

City of Munroe Falls: City government will remain open to provide the necessary services expected and required of local government. Some temporary staffing and operational changes will be made to attempt to limit the possibility of an entire department having to be isolated. More information is available at https://www.munroefalls.com/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=55.

Copley Township: Effective immediately, the Township is cancelling all public meetings and events that are NOT required for the continuation of Township operations. More information is available at https://www.copley.oh.us/.

City of Barberton: All city Board and Commission meetings for the month of April have been canceled, unless an issue or need arises. City council is scheduled to meet on Monday April 6th, but this may be subject to change. The city has established a dedicated phone line for residents who have questions on COVID-19, city services, or area services available. Please call 330-861-7135 with questions or email mayor@cityofbarberton.com. Parks are open, but playground equipment is restricted. Visit https://cityofbarberton.com/AlertCenter.aspx for more information.

All Summit County offices are working closely with the Public Health Department in monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 situation. The continuity of services is subject to directives from the Governor and Summit County Public Health. For the most up-to-date information on the current status of the outbreak, please visit https://www.scph.org/covid-19 or https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/.