Having a good realtor by your side during a home sale is always helpful. A realtor will guide you through the ins and outs of the sale process and, if they’re doing their job right, take some weight off your shoulders. However, that doesn’t mean you should jump into the real estate market headfirst and leave every single task to the realtor. These tips to always remember when selling your home will inform you of a few key things you need to do to guarantee a successful sale.
Maintain a Clean Yard
Curb appeal is a popular topic in real estate because the outside of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see. That’s why you must guarantee a good first impression—which will be difficult if your lawn is unkempt and your flowers are dying. Some homeowners take pride in having clean yards, while others see it as a chore to put off. Whether you like it or not, your yard should look spick-and-span if you’re planning on selling your house. Rake the leaves, cut the grass, water the plants—don’t leave any yard maintenance on the back burner. You can turn your yard’s frown upside down with just one afternoon of comprehensive yard maintenance.
Make Any Necessary Repairs
Now that you’re selling your home, you can no longer make excuses to avoid completing any necessary repairs. Whether it’s a leaky faucet, a squeaky door, or a broken window, you need to get your home in tip-top shape if you want to sell it. If you’re giving a house tour and the garage door jams or a light switch refuses to work, it won’t look good to potential buyers.
Don’t Forget to Stage
One of the most important things you can do when selling your home is stage it. There are many reasons to hire a home stager, with one of the most important being their ability to depersonalize your home. This is what helps potential buyers picture themselves living in your house. A key part of depersonalizing is replacing furniture, and if you hire the right stager, they’ll have a wide range of furniture for you to choose from for staging purposes.
These tips to always remember when you’re selling your home will guide you down the path to success. Selling a home—especially if it’s your first experience doing so—can be quite stressful. Thankfully, with a good real estate agent and some key knowledge under your belt, the process should go smoothly.