Interview with local burn victim Gabe and his parents (VIDEO)


By Julie D’Aloiso

Gabe’s family had a campfire on June 6th. In the evening, the fire was down to embers. Dad Michael was in the kitchen when Gabe came running in saying “Dad I burned myself”. They thought that he had tripped and fell in the fire. They found out later that Gabe had poured gas on the fire to see what would happen because he wanted to keep the fire going for the night. The fire flamed up when Gabe was standing over it. Once he lifted his arm up and they could see skin hanging and they realized it was serious. The fire department was called and three squads showed up and a fire truck. Michael said the response time was amazing.

Gabe was in Akron Children’s Hospital for two weeks. He had multiple skin grafts. They have 7 children and mom Amanda was at the hospital most of the time. Michael did the best he could while she was away.

Neighbors, family, friends and strangers came together and helped them out. They provided food and snacks and checked in on the kids. A year ago they were thinking of moving but decided to stay because of how the community rallies when needed. Michael is from this area and his parents still live here.

Michael is a fireman and thought he had the conversation with Gabe about gasoline and fires. Gabe is 12 and his dad said that he is usually good and he does not need to worry about him.

Gabe is happy that he survived and wants to tell kids to be careful around fire. He would like to thank the people that have helped him and hopefully some will come to the event so he can thank them in person.

The family would like to thank the hospital and all of the many people that have helped them. The family is amazed on how people have rallied to help!

The family needs more help with the hospital bills. And there will be more surgeries in the future as he grows.

How you can help

Amanda talked about an event that they are having on Friday the 14th of August 5pm – 11pm outside the VFW. They will have gift baskets to raffle off, 50/50 raffle, and sideboards. This will be a kid friendly, super hero characters, princesses, and a bounce house. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and soda will be provided. Beer or cider can be purchased. Social distancing and cleaning precautions will be adhered too.

One lucky winner will win a booze wagon. If anyone would like to donate some booze, let them know!

Tickets are $12 for adults, kids $6. To go meals are also available!

See flyer at the end of this post for more info.

