Tulum Twinsburg’s Newest Future Gem


By Nicholette Marbley 

Do you find yourself driving down 82 gawking at the new building next to the old Bob Evans? I certainly have. Those of you local to the area are in luck. Tulum, the green striped building, sitting on 82, is a new Mexican restaurant set to open shortly. I spoke with Allyson Tonozzi, executive director of Twinsburg Chamber of Commerce, and Larry Finch, the director of Twinsburg’s Community Planning and Development, to find out more information about the new restaurant. 

  They both confirmed that the new Mexican restaurant’s name is indeed Tulum and that the restaurant opening is being delayed due to not being able to receive kitchen parts on time due to COVID-19. At this time we no one has information on an exact date the restaurant will open, but it sure is exciting to know something new is opening close to home.