How To Prepare for Your First Solo Road Trip

How To Prepare for Your First Solo Road Trip

Taking a solo road trip is an exhilarating experience. You will get to choose your adventure and conquer new challenges by yourself, all while building confidence. But before you hit the road, you will want to make a few extra preparations to keep you safe throughout your trip.

Here is how to prepare for your first solo road trip.

Stop by the Mechanic

The last thing you want on your trip is to be alone with a broken-down car on the side of the road. Before you go, make an appointment at your mechanic or dealership to top off any fluids and service your vehicle.

Learn the Basics, Just in Case

Even if you got your car checked, it is a good idea to learn some basic skills for addressing car problems. Learn when you need to pull over, what type of fluids your car takes, and how to change a flat tire, so you feel comfortable in case of an emergency.

Share Your Location

These days, there are plenty of apps to share your location with friends and family. Pick a trusted friend or family member to share your location with. Let them know what your travel plans are ahead of time, and be sure to check in daily. Sharing your location will allow them to monitor you when you are busy driving as well.

Plan Stops and Accommodations

Deciding to wing it on your trip might sound exciting, but it can also be quite dangerous. Know your limits, and do not try to drive further than you know you can handle in one day. Setting hotel accommodations ahead of time can help deter the itch to keep on going. It will ensure you have a safe place to rest for the night.

Make Playlists

You will need some entertainment on your drives, but as both the driver and navigator, playing around with your phone to pick out music and podcasts is not a smart decision. Before your trip, make a few playlists that you will be able to queue up on the road quickly.

Follow these tips for how to prepare for a solo road trip to make sure your travels run smoothly.