Outside the Box: Unconventional Storage Life Hacks

Outside the Box: Unconventional Storage Life Hacks

Human beings tend to prefer order over chaos. That’s why we feel more at ease in a clean room than we do in a cluttered one. But organization doesn’t come naturally to all of us, especially when you live in a house with young children. One of the best ways to improve the organization of your space is to increase your storage capacity. These unconventional storage life hacks will help you do just that.

Upcycled Furniture

The most obvious way to add storage is to add furniture like dressers. But buying a dresser can be expensive, and it isn’t always easy to find one that fits your room. That’s when you might consider finding an older dresser and upcycling it. You can either use the dresser itself or parts of it. Old drawers mounted to the wall make whimsical floating shelves or containers.

Utilize the Space Beneath the Bed

This might sound familiar—parents often tell children to clean their rooms only to come back to find they have shoved everything under their bed. Since we all seem to have the same instinct, why not use it to our advantage?

Buying a bed with drawers underneath is a great way to add extra storage without taking up floor space. If that’s too complex, buy low, wide bins that can slide under the bed. Purchase clear ones, so you don’t have to waste time digging through every bin to know what’s inside.


If you wear jewelry, you’ve probably spent time trying to untangle necklaces or find lost earrings. And jewelry boxes often seem to make the problem worse. Try hanging everything on a corkboard. This is one unconventional storage hack that will keep jewelry safe in one place. Placing tacks on the board gives you spots to hang necklaces, bracelets, earrings, or rings, and the board makes for a fun decorative piece.

Double Bars for the Closet

If you look at the average closet, it often features far more space than we actually use. Below the clothes hanging on the bar, there is often space where you could hang an extra row of clothes. However, we usually don’t have somewhere to hang them. Fortunately, you can now buy an additional bar and install it below the first one. That’s twice the closet space without adding a square inch.