Cares Program Processing Thousands of Housing and Utility Assistance Applications


SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Since re-opening applications for housing and utility assistance on March 8, 2021, the Summit County Cares program received applications from 5,335 unique households throughout the county. Of all applications received, 4,296 are for rent and 284 are for mortgages, with 3,473 of those requesting utility assistance. 755 applications for utilities only have been received. United Way of Summit County began issuing payments for the first batch of applications this week. Every applicant and landlord has been contacted with a status update.

“The volume of applications received is a clear indication that residents of Summit County are struggling to make ends meet,” said County Executive Ilene Shapiro. “While we hope to see some sense of normalcy return this summer, economic hardships are likely to persist. Summit County will continue to provide direct assistance to those in need as long as we have funds available.”

Executive Shapiro originally launched Summit County Cares in 2020. Partnering with United Way, International Institute of Akron, Hope and Healing, Asia Inc, Fair Housing, Community Legal Aid, Community Action Akron Summit, Mustard Seed Development Center and Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority, the Executive’s staff initially provided $15 million in federal CARES Act and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding to thousands of residents in need of rent, mortgage and utility assistance.

The latest round of funding, $16 million from the December 2020 federal stimulus bill, gives priority to households at or below 30% of the Area Median Income (AMI) guidelines, pregnant women, occupants over 62 and households with a court eviction notice or utility shut off notice. Complete eligibility requirements are at While Cares funds may only be used for rent and utility assistance, residents can use the form to request mortgage assistance; the application will be sent to Community Action Akron Summit for review. Community Action received state funding to provide mortgage assistance and utility assistance for homeowners.

Applications for the Cares program remain open. Visit or call 2-1-1 to apply.

Information about the state’s Home Relief Grant program is available at