Ways That Hail Can Damage Your Home

Ways That Hail Can Damage Your Home

Hailstorms are uncommon, but when one does happen, it often seems determined to destroy as much property as possible. Hailstones, also known as hail pellets, can rain down on your roof, your garden, and even your car. They can cause minor scrapes and scratches or more significant forms of damage, such as broken windows or dents. Let’s look at some ways that hail can damage your home and learn how to deal with the aftermath—or even how to prevent damage from occurring in the first place.

Destroy Your Vehicle

If your vehicle was in the driveway during a hailstorm, you’ll want to inspect it thoroughly for damage afterward. Hailstones can cause dents and dings, shattered glass, or interior water damage. If you notice hail damage on your vehicle after a storm, take as many pictures of the damage as you can. If you have auto insurance, your insurance company should handle the repair costs as long as you file the claim in a timely manner.

You can also try to prevent hail damage to your vehicle by parking it in a garage or underneath some other form of shelter before the storm worsens.

Smash Your Windows

Another way that hail can damage your home is by crashing into windows and shattering them. Hailstorms can smash your vehicle’s windows, but they can also shatter the windows of your home. Thankfully, both auto and home insurance should cover this type of damage.

You can keep your vehicle safe by parking it in a garage, but how do you protect your home? If you have exterior shutters, close them before the storms. The shutters should take the brunt of the damage and protect the windows. If you don’t have exterior shutters, close the curtains or blinds. This won’t keep the glass from shattering, but it will prevent broken shards from flying into your home and potentially injuring you or a family member.

Damage Your Roof

The part of your home that tends to take the brunt of hailstorms is the roof. Hailstones can scratch and dent your roof and cause the shingles to shed their granules. Knowing how to assess hail damage on the roof is important. There are some forms of damage you can spot from ground level and other types that only a professional can detect. If you suspect your roof sustained damage in a recent hailstorm, contact a professional roofing company to schedule an inspection.