Effective Ways To Make Your Home Sustainable This Autumn

Effective Ways To Make Your Home Sustainable This Autumn

Sustainability is popping up everywhere, from cleaning products and clothes to coffee and building supplies. There are many ways you can do your part and reduce your carbon footprint. The following are effective ways to make your home sustainable this autumn.

Air Filtering Plants

Plants are natural air filters for your home. They will help detoxify and purify the air you breathe every day with little effort from you. They can even help boost your mood. A few of the best choices are aloe vera, spider plants, and the Chinese Evergreen. Plants are a win-win because they provide gorgeous décor for your home and clean, fresh air for you to breathe.

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Switching out the bulbs in your house from incandescent to LED will use less energy, and you won’t have to change your bulbs out as often. This change will save you money in the long run and reduce the carbon footprint your home leaves.

Keep an eye on your light use altogether. Do you turn off all the lights before you leave for the day? Are you leaving lights on after you exit a room? These are habits to watch out for and change if needed.

Water Waste

Take the changing of seasons as a sign to check around your home for any leaky faucets or pipes and avoid any unnecessary water waste. Taking this proactive step will save you money and prevent waste.

Another way to watch out for water waste is by paying attention to your water use. Are you leaving the water on while brushing your teeth? Mindfully turn off the water between brushing and hand washing.

Sustainable Insulation

Your home could be letting out heat and cold air if it’s not properly insulated. Cellulose insulation is a wonderful form of sustainable insulation that keeps your home comfortable no matter the time of year. You can add it to both existing and new homes. Cellulose insulation is made predominately from recycled newspapers and emits the lowest quantity of embodied energy. It’s arguably the best insulation out there and will also help reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

Start Composting

Composting is a perfect opportunity to reuse your kitchen scraps and help the environment. Plus, it will save you trips to the garbage can. Make sure you have a little space next to your vegetable or flower garden to begin your compost bin. Have any size bucket handy while you’re cooking to place your leftover food waste. Then, when you’re done, dump it into your compost bin. Your soil and flowers will thank you for it. Make sure you mix the fresh compost with the old to help with aeration.

Turn Down the Thermostat

Attempt to keep your home’s thermostat at a comfortable but cooler temperature. Before reaching for the dial or screen, try putting on a sweater or getting cozy with a blanket. You can also turn the temperature down when you’re gone from the house for an extended period. You’ll save money on heating and energy costs over the winter.

These are only a few ways to make your home sustainable this autumn. Enjoy finding more ways to help make our planet a better place for everyone.