5 Essential Tips for Every First-Time Dog Owner

Congratulations on becoming a dog owner! Adding a new furry friend to your life is fun and exciting—get ready for action-packed days filled with joy. Now that your dog is home, it’s time to start making changes and incorporating them into your daily life. Read our five essential tips for every first-time dog owner for helpful information.

Start Dog Training Early

As soon as you receive your dog, start training them. While training, your dog will understand acceptable behavior and actions. There are different forms of training, such as potty training and basic training. You can focus on one area or a few at a time. If you need additional assistance, obedience school and other training programs can help you.

Create a Routine

As you’ll quickly realize, incorporating a dog into your life requires a lot of change. Not only are you accommodating your lifestyle, but your dog is also adjusting to new changes. You can help your dog adjust by creating a routine. For example, start the day with bathroom time and breakfast, then an afternoon walk followed by crate time. You can also set a specific time for dinner and treats. Your dog will quickly fall into a routine that works for you.

Find a Good Veterinarian

All dogs need a good veterinarian. A vet will take care of your dog’s health and keep them up to date on shots. Vets also educate dog owners on various topics like symptoms of diseases, the amount of exercise your dog needs, and foods you should never feed your dog. We recommend finding a veterinarian within the first two weeks of getting a dog.

Choose Quality Dog Food

Your dog’s health is dependent on its diet. Choose quality dog food to ensure you meet your furry friend’s needs. Every dog is unique; therefore, different dogs require different types of food. The dog food market has several choices, but you can consult with your veterinarian about the type of food you should give your dog.

Practice Leaving Your Dog Alone

Although we would love to have our dogs around all day, school and work are still priorities. Practice leaving your dog alone so they can adjust to your absence. You can start slowly by leaving your dog in the house for thirty minutes and gradually increasing the time. Leaving your dog alone will help them understand that “alone time” isn’t punishment, and your absence will be frequent.

Dog ownership is fun, and we’re happy you found a four-legged companion. However, we understand the lifestyle and schedule changes you made. Getting used to a dog is challenging but worth it. If you need help, always feel free to refer to our five essential tips for every first-time dog owner for assistance.

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