On May 27th at 15:29 the Macedonia Fire Dept received an EMS call at 1005 Shepherd Hills Blvd. for a male who had passed out. While en route bystanders on scene reported to the Macedonia dispatch and Fire Dept that CPR was in progress. Thanks to active 911 (monitoring program firefighters have on their cell phone) Michael Jaskolka, full-time firefighter/paramedic responded from home on his off day. Upon arrival, Michael found patrolman Jason Hathaway performing CPR. At that point, Michael immediately applied the Automatic external defibrillator that was present on scene by Macedonia Police and initiated the first “Shock”. As the ambulance arrived on the scene Lieutenant Bob Lewis, firefighter/paramedic Ben Kremer, and Lieutenant Chip Davis transfer the patient to the ambulance. Due to the direct compatibility of our automatic external defibrillators and a Lifepak 15 cardiac monitors, there was no delay of care and a 2nd “SHOCK” was delivered. Upon arrival to the Cleveland Clinic Twinsburg Emergency room, the patient was awake and talking to the EMS crews.
It’s a proven concept that the only effective treatment for ventricular fibrillation his prompt defibrillation. Defibrillation is only effective when it is administered within the first few minutes of sudden cardiac arrest. This point was proven due to the 100% dedication of Michael Jaskolka’s response while off-duty at home with his family. A success for all involved.
Thanks to Michael Jaskolka and Jason Hathaway!