A Message from The Silent Mind

The Silent Mind remains open for classes at this time.  Besides re-doubling our daily cleaning and hygiene protocols, we’re conducting only non-contact classes during the current state of alert.  One of the best classes we offer to you is T’ai Chi, a very healthful program of non-contact, holistic exercise.  The deep breathing promotes lung health; a very important component to help you stay healthy.  The movements of T’ai Chi promote the natural relaxation response in the body and mind, and promotes a sense of wellbeing.
T’ai Chi is an ancient holistic martial art and exercise that is practiced all over the world because of its superior health benefits.  If you are healthy and feeling well we are inviting you to come try a free class T’ai Chi class at The Silent Mind.  We reserve the right to deny you access to the classes if we detect signs of illness in you or your immediate family.  And, we will close the school if and when we decide it’s unsafe to continue offering classes.  Until then, these classes can assist in your personal health preparedness.
Call (888) 463-6179 for up to the minute information and to book your 1st free trial class.
The Silent Mind
9076 Church St #5, Twinsburg, OH 44087

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