Agapé Word and Worship Center Providing for The Needs of Others Via Book Sales by Pastor Shirley A. Greenslade

Pastor Shirley Greenslade ~ Photo Copyright Jeff Lange, Akron Beacon Journal

Sharing His love, reaching the lost, teaching the saved, and helping people with spiritual, physical and material needs.
The Word and Worship center is providing for others via the sale of Healing Scriptures books and audio. Pastor Shirley A. Greenslade has six books for sale; The Word Works (now also available in Spanish), Satan is Defeated, Strife, Control, Mind Control, and Communion. The Worship Center gives to those in crisis situations and devastating natural weather events. They reach out to people locally and surrounding areas by sharing the Lord’s love to those in need.

Pastor Shirley A. Greenslade made a mission trip to Haiti in 1980, and named the Worship center and organization she set up in the United States after it. The purpose of the mission trip was to raise, educate, and teach children that were orphans of Haiti. She helped raise them and through her intentions taught them the Word and a trade to help their country. The mission trip ended abruptly due to political unrest. Shortly thereafter, Pastor Greenslade adopted a 4-year-old little girl from Haiti that she brought back to the United States raising her as her own. Her ministry helps to provide charity and scripture knowledge, with the intention of everyone learning of God’s Word.

Agape̕ Worship Center is so grateful for donations and the giving that they received in 2022. The following are charities that the donations went towards:

  • $1k in offerings to both Samaritan’s Purse and The City Mission.
  • Tithes and offerings totaling $28,075 into their partner ministries; Banner of Jesus, Gateway, Haven of Rest, John 21:17 Feed My Sheep, Joyce Meyer Ministries, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Mercy Ministries, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Valley Creek Church
  • They also blessed Ronald McDonald House of Akron with $1500 to assist with needs for families receiving treatment at Akron Children’s Hospital.
  • Continued support for families in need through partnerships with Akron Children’s Hospital by providing rent payments totaling $7171.98.
  • They also paid $1500 in tuition for a little girl to continue to thrive in a new school that was meeting her emotional and educational needs. Paid gas, phone and electric bills totaling almost $1400 and $758.48 toward past due water and sewer bills, and made furniture appliance payments in the amount of $768.72
  • They purchased a stove and refrigerator worth $1453.56 for a single mother who found housing she could afford, but it lacked two items most of us take for granted every day. They also made car payments totaling $1821.42, provided $650 in Walmart gift cards to several families for food and basic needs. The ministry also helped meet the needs for local families including $6772 in rent and mortgage payments. Gas, electric, and water/sewer payments in the amount of $549.47, $1k in Walmart gift cards for food and basic supplies, and a donation of clothing to two local churches for those affected by the war in Ukraine.

Christmas was a bit different in 2022 because the organization had a shortage of laborers. Rather than do the shopping themselves, they provided more than $2k worth of gift cards to local stores for the parents of three families with eleven kids amongst them. They participated in the joy of Christmas by shopping, purchasing and wrapping gifts for their children. The gift cards also enabled them to purchase food and basic necessities for their families as well.

Their nursing home ministry provided 260 residents and staff in three nursing homes with gift bags containing snacks, chocolate, crayons, coloring and word search books, hand-written Christmas cards, blankets, a song, and Scripture service. The ministries thought it such an honor to share in the joy of blessing those who are often times forgotten.

“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6,7

To donate to the worship center go to or send to AGAPÉ WORD & WORSHIP CENTER
P.O Box 39172 – Solon, Ohio 44139

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