Akron-Summit Council on Holocaust & Genocide Education Hosts the 34th Akron-Summit Holocaust Commemoration and Awards Ceremony

The Akron-Summit Council on Holocaust & Genocide Education will hold the 34th annual Akron-Summit Holocaust Commemoration and Awards Ceremony on April 26th, 2022, at the Akron-Summit County Public – Main Library Auditorium beginning promptly at 6pm. Please arrive by 5:45pm. This event is free and open to the public.

Emma Kaufman Rose, author of Saving Six Million: A Holocaust Memoir and granddaughter of two Holocaust survivors and Akron residents Ingrid Kennedy and Joseph Kennedy, will speak on her experiences related to Lessons of the Holocaust: Undeniable Stories of Survival.

Additionally, the winners of the Akron-Summit Holocaust Arts & Writing Contest, a contest held for Summit County students grades 6-12 to promote education about the horrific events of the Holocaust along with other genocides, will be presented with their awards. The winning students’ artwork and writing pieces will be displayed at the Akron-Summit Main Library from April 4th-May 2nd and on our website AkronSummitHolocaustEducation.org.

The Ceremony will be hosted by University of Akron professor of law and Chair of the Akron-Summit Council on Holocaust and Genocide Education, Martin H. Belsky.

The Akron-Summit Council on Holocaust & Genocide Education is supported by Summit County, the City of Akron and donations from the community. To help continue Holocaust awareness and educate the youth in our community, donations can be made at AkronSummitHolocaustEducation.org/donate.

“Each year, this event encourages all of us to take pause to remember the millions lost as a result of the Holocaust,” said Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan. “This important gathering fosters awareness which in turn helps in preventing such atrocities in the future. I look forward to attending and honoring the winners of the Akron-Summit Holocaust Arts & Writing Contest, which provides thousands of students the opportunity to learn the lessons of the Holocaust, while expressing themselves through art and writing.”

“Every year our community joins together to commemorate the Holocaust and honor the students that submit art and writing pieces that inspire us through stories and symbols of remembrance, loss, and love,” said County Executive Ilene Shapiro. “I am looking forward to gathering once again in person on April 26, and I encourage community members to join us at the Akron-Summit County Main Library.”

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