Answer your door when someone knocks – safety tip


Some burglars that were hitting the Aurora and Bainbridge area were caught a few days ago. Unfortunately, these aren’t the same folks that were working our area (we haven’t had any break ins in the last few weeks). The reason I’m writing about this is because what they said is extremely important.

They said before they would break into a house they would ALWAYS knock on the door to see if someone was home. If no one answered they would look in the window, then break in. If someone answered they always had a scripted story that was well rehearsed and non alarming (it could be anything from looking for a friend, looking for an address, looking for work, selling books, etc). They said they used it many times without ever drawing suspicion to themselves. And it worked for a long time. How were they caught? Someone called the police when a stranger knocked on their door because they thought that was suspicious.

This is why we’ve always encouraged people to answer their door when someone knocks. We aren’t saying throw the door wide open but acknowledge you are there through the door, a side window or even and upstairs window. I’ve had people tell me they tell their kids not to answer the door when an adult isn’t home or the wife won’t answer the door when her husband isn’t home. To me it seems like you are asking for trouble. The burglar knocks, no one answers so he thinks no one is home and breaks in. Now he’s in the house with a child or female.

My point is always call the police IMMEDIATELY when something isn’t right. Could be you heard something, could be you saw something. Call right away! This is the best thing you can do to help make a safer community.

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