Ask Your Local Audiologist: Why do we create earwax?


Question: Why do we create earwax?

Answer: Cerumen, commonly known as ear wax, is a protective mechanism for the ear. It prevents dust, germs, and bacteria from moving further into the ear and causing damage. It also keeps the canal moist, preventing irritation and dryness. Ear wax is produced by special glands located in the outer ear canal. As the skin inside of the outer ear sheds, the wax moves outward with the skin. Due to this process, wax should naturally fall out of the ear in shower, as you sleep, and throughout the day. If ear wax accumulated in the canal and hardens, it may not come out on its own. A common cause of ear wax build-up is frequent use of hearing protection or Q tips which can push the wax back into the canal. Furthermore, our ear canals collapse as we age which can result in recurrent wax buildup.

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141 E. Aurora Rd. Suite 3

Northfield, Ohio 44067

Phone: (330) 468-4288

Kaylee J. Porter, Au.D.