Julie D'Aloiso

Hot Comets, Cold Knights

The lack of energy in the gym was evident early. Not only with the Nordonia boys basketball team but also the student section who...

Postgame interviews: Nordonia Girls Basketball

Listen to what Coach Griffen and a couple of the Nordonia Knight's basketball players, Holly Groff and Katie Karalic, have to say about their...

MONEY TALK: Do you know if you are saving enough for your golden years?

Do you know if you are saving enough for your golden years? According to the National Institute on Retirement Security, the answer for 65%...

Moving and a grooving: Missy McFarland takes position at Massillon Walmart

This is a new series of articles about local people with employment changes. Some moving into this area, some being promoted, some moving out...

Spotlight on Safety: Medical Assistance iPhone 6S

From the Macedonia City Police Department I want to pass on something I learned yesterday from my wonderful wife. It has to do with emergency...