Julie D'Aloiso

Things to consider when purchasing a drone for someone for Christmas

By Gary Miller  If your drone weighs more than half a pound, get ready to register it. Simply put, toy drones weighing less than 250 grams...

Nordonia High Loses Season Opener 46-45 against Highland in boys High School basketball

By Victor Milani, Nordonia High School boys basketball made a valiant comeback in the second half, only to lose by a single digit 46-45,to a...

Keeping it real

This article was posted anonymously. A young woman in her 20's shares her story about the progress she is having after figuring out she...

I am unbroken – My story of inspiration, faith and courage

I am submitting my personal story to you today. If we simply follow our hearts and intuitive guidance, if we trust, get out of our...

Tribute to Katniss by Ashley Gilbert

On 10 /6/14 an 8 week old kitten was deliberately burnt and almost died,was taken in by Dr. Todd Dolen.  She was taken to...