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4 Things to Know When Decorating Your Home

In order to make the most of your home, you need to know how to work with what you have. Whether you have limited...

5 Beautiful Exotic Family Vacations You Can Afford

More and more families recognize the benefits of annual trips abroad—both for expanding a child’s culture and spending quality time as a family. Despite...

Beat the Slump: High-Energy Food to Keep You Going All Day

When the midday slump hits you, you may need to find ways to get the energy you need. Something as simple as eating high-energy...

5 of Our Favorite Beautiful Summer Crafting Projects

Summer is here! Say hello to longer days, warm sunshine, and blue skies. Summer is also the perfect time to get started a on...

6 Budgeting Apps that Help Manage Your Finances

The litany of technological aide available to us has made budgeting a much simpler task than it used to be. No longer do we...

4 Helpful Ways to Save Money When Buying Furniture

Furnishing your new place can be an additional stress that you don’t need. Knowing exactly which pieces you’ll need and how much they will...