Esther Verbovszky

Esther A. L. Verbovszky born in Los Angelas, California. I am an animal lover and after losing my golden "Max" in 2018..I bought "Rex" into my life the most stubborn, loving mischievous, sweet puppy. Life throws us many curve balls , but one thing in my life stayed constant, the affectionate love Rex provided me, his presence was enough to turn any stressful situation around therefore I was inspired to write. Pets provide the unconditional love you need.

Book: A Paw To Hold!

By Esther A. L. Verbovszky Inspired by my dog "Rex"! I am an animal lover and after losing my golden "Max" in 2018 I brought "Rex"...

Positive Outcomes for Clients with Swallowing Issues – Case Study 1

By Esther Verbovszky Patient John Smith aka John Smith and his wife came to the Cleveland Feeding and Swallowing Center LLC after John had suffered...