JC Sullivan


by JC Sullivan This is precisely one of the reasons DJT was elected President. We don't need your problems. Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, et al, are...

American Legion Americanism & Government Test Winners from Nordonia High School

Macedonia. Nordonia Hills American Legion Post 801 and the Ladies Auxiliary Chapter 801 recently sponsored the Americanism and Government Test at the High School....

General dusts off hero’s story in book

Atlantic City, NJ. I was honored to finally have met Brigadier General Patrick H. Brady, USA (ret.), a Medal of Honor recipient from the...

American Legion’s Buckeye Boys State Program at Bowling Green University

Stunning letter (see below). Hunter, along with two other Nordonia High School students, participated in the week-long  American Legion's Buckeye Boys State Program at Bowling...

A Memory of Arch Milani from JC Sullivan

We buried a true hero yesterday, my friend and mentor N. Arch Milani. I got to know him and his family after serving on...

Through Sullivan’s Eye – Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation Centennial Gala©

by JC Sullivan As a child, at a time when our family had not yet expanded to nine children, we lived for a period of...

ZED Comic 2-23-25