Nicole Rapp

Nobody Calls Anymore. Hardly Anyone Leaves Voicemail Messages. And It’s Easier Than Ever Before to Do So!

You’ve heard it from your parents, grandparents, or aunts and uncles in the family: “you never call us anymore”. Nobody calls anyone on the...

Nordonia Knights Varsity Hockey Wins 5-2 @ OHSAA State Playoff-Kent District Game Against Orange Lions

The Nordonia Knights –ranked 15th overall ended their varsity hockey season with a 5-2 win against the 12th ranked –Orange Lions @ Kent State...

Nordonia Swimmers Raise the Roof at Sectional Meet

This past weekend the Nordonia Knights boys and girls swim teams took part in the Akron Division I Sectional Swimming Tournament. The swimmers really...

Broken Heart Syndrome- Not a Fallacy * Bereavement Support Resources

Parents often tell their teenage children they “won’t die from a broken heart”, when they are saddened from a breakup or have a big...

February Heart Health Month Featuring “The Plumbing”

Featuring Plumbing of the Heart; Good, Bad, and Clogged Pipes. Time to Call a Plumber? In an effort to increase heart health awareness,...

Nordonia Organizes Boys Volleyball Junior Varsity and Varsity Club Teams and Will Host Team Tryouts Feb 20, 21, and 22nd

Nordonia High School needs 15-20 athletic young men interested in playing volleyball to complete the JV and Varsity teams to compete against teams all...