Bodacious Baroque Brooch Bouquets


By Nicholette Marbley 

Editors note: This is a new series of articles about weddings

Brooch Bouquets are one of the many hidden gems in wedding decor. If you are as indecisive as I am, I’m pretty sure you are having a tough time coming up with flower arrangement ideas. Every flower on this Earth has a special meaning. Whether the purpose is historical or a sentimental symbol in your life, there is no denying that a bouquet is one of the essential pieces in a wedding. Creating a brooch bouquet not only alleviates financial stress and indecisiveness but also adds a touch of creativity to your big day. Here our guide on how to create a brooch bouquet. You can find any of these materials at your local arts and crafts store, Amazon, any dollar store, or Walmart. 

Materials Needed 

. 100 pieces or ’18 inch green, gold, or silver floral wire 

. Plyers 

. Scissors 

. White doilies 

. Super glue 

. Gold or silver acrylic paint 

. Medium angled paint brush

. Green, gold or silver paper leaves 

. 1 yard of gold, silver or green  poly satin fabric 

. 420 ft of cotton twine

. Loose costume pearls 

. Costume gems 

. Paper flowers 

. Gold or silver glitter (optional) 


    1. Take each piece of wire and curl 3 inches of the top part of the wire into a circle. The wire is acting the stem of each flower. Many brides choose green wiring for this reason. There is also a large percentage of brides who choose gold or silver for a more elegant look. Allow 5 minutes to dry. 
    2. After each wire is coiled, super glue a paper flower and add a diamond brooch to the center of the flower. You can also mix things up by adding an array of different shaped brooches on the ends of the wire and or the center of your paper flowers. Allow 10 minutes to dry. 
    3. After all the wire has been decorated with flowers and brooches, bunch the wire together as if you were holding them as a bouquet super glue all of the wire together, leaving 1 inch from the bottom of the flower petals unglued. Allow 10 minutes to dry. 
    4. Carefully super glue each paper leaf color of choice 5 cm away from the petals and brooches until you get the fullness you want. Allow 5 minutes to dry 
    5. Take 5 white doilies out of the package and carefully use your paintbrush to paint them with gold or silver acrylic paint. Do not dip your water. Allow them to air dry for 20 minutes. 
    6. Once the doilies are dry, cut them center and carefully cut in an oval so that only the decorative part remains. Then super glue the painted doilies with the decorative side up directly under the paper leaves. Allow to dry for 5 minutes 
    7. Carefully cut your poly satin fabric color of choice into 3 1ft strips. Make zig zags along the inside of the inside of the fabric and carefully wrap each foot fabric along the wire stems up to the painted doilies. After wrapping the third piece of fabric, allow the piece to sit for 10 minutes. 
    8. Add flair to your bouquet and super glue  a light amount of costume pearls on all sides of the poly fabric. Allow to dry for 5 minutes 
  • Optional: take gold and or silver glitter and lightly sprinkle it all over your bouquet!