Both Nordonia Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling Teams continue their winning ways against Twinsburg – December 7

Congralutions to both the Varsity Girls winning their matche vs. Twinsburg. Kaitlynn McNutt led the tea, with a 2 game series of 375 followed by Kolbey Lewin 350, Grace Bzdafka 320, Rory Maynard 297 and Julia Frost 281.
The JV Girls just bowled for average (No JV Girls team for Twinsburg) and were led by Brooke Barnes 264 and Grace Camargo 237.
Good Bowling Ladies!
Source: NHS Girls Bowling Facebook page

Congratulations to the Boys Varsity and JV Team for winning their respective matches today vs. Twinsburg.
Matt Willis led the varsity with a 473 series (241,232) followed by Evan Toronski with a 426 (266,160), and Ben Juriga with a 412 (217,195). RJ Lewis pitched in with a 227 in his only game.
The JV team was led by Tyler Edgehouse with a 443 (258,185), Kevin Bridgman with a 427 (213,214), Kyan Freyhauf with a 411 (197,214), and Justin Roberts with a 400 (211,189).
Tremendous bowling!
Source: NHS Boys Bowling Facebook page

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