Brecksville City Council Meeting: CED Entertainment District and Road Projects Take Center Stage
The Brecksville City Council convened on March 4, 2025, addressing a variety of municipal matters including liquor licensing for the Valor Acres development, road maintenance contracts, and several property and infrastructure initiatives.
Community Entertainment District Proposal Takes Spotlight
Attorney John Neal presented a detailed proposal for establishing a Community Entertainment District (CED) at the Valor Acres development. Neal explained that the CED would create 14 additional liquor licenses specific to the 71-acre development area, bypassing the city’s exhausted quota of seven regular licenses.
“The CED is basically a catalyst for growth,” Neal told council members. “Communities are in competition with one another to attract developments of substantial investment.”
According to Neal, who has formed many CEDs across Northeast Ohio, these districts help developers attract premium restaurant tenants who consider liquor permit accessibility a key factor in location decisions. He emphasized that permits created through the CED would remain exclusively within the district’s boundaries and could never be transferred elsewhere in the city.
Kevin DiGeronimo of DiGeronimo Companies, the project developer, stated that approximately four of the liquor permits would be needed just for the first block of the development. He noted high-end restaurants, a pavilion, office event space, and hotel facilities all requiring licenses.
Council members questioned how the permits would be allocated, with Councilman Caruso inquiring what would happen if the developer sought all 14 licenses himself. Neal clarified this scenario was unlikely, as each license requires a unique food service operation.
Several council members expressed concerns about potential impacts on downtown Brecksville, with one noting that the concentration of restaurants on the south side “does change how the downtown is going to feel.”
Law Director David Matty indicated that the council will need to vote on the CED proposal at its March 18 meeting, requiring five affirmative votes for passage.
Road Maintenance Program Contracts Approved
The council unanimously passed an ordinance accepting bids for the 2025 Road Maintenance Program from multiple contractors:
- Konstruction King: $679,585 for concrete repairs
- J.D. Striping & Services: $122,105.35 for pavement markings
- Crossroads Asphalt Recycling: $36,838.88 for asphalt pavement interseal and $27,883.56 for tack coat delivery and placement
- Geauga Highway Co.: $105,233.88 for pavement planing
- Cuyahoga Fence LLC: $31,168.75 for guardrail repair and replacement
The council also approved an increase to the road salt purchase order from $376,000 to $489,500, acknowledging a more severe winter season than in recent years.
Other Council Actions
The council also approved:
- A $4,000 grant to the Brecksville Historical Association for utility expenses at the Squire Rich Museum
- A temporary grading and access easement across property owned by Robert and Sarah Arrighi to facilitate the Snowville Road Lowering Project
- A tree felling agreement with Larry and Hailey Nance related to an Edgerton Road lot split
- Amendments to two recent police department promotions, adjusting the effective dates
- Changes to Section 1313.011 of the Building Code allowing the Building Department to post application markers on applicants’ properties
The council also formally accepted and dedicated real property from VA Land, LLC and 6850 Miller Road Holding Company, LLC as roadway right-of-way for the widening of Miller Road.
Council members praised the thorough presentation on the CED proposal, with a final vote on the entertainment district planned for the next meeting on March 18, 2025.