Category: Jabbering with Julie

Jabbering With Julie – Werewolves, Local Store Closed for Renovations by New Owner and MORE (Audio and Video)

Weldon PC Depot - drop off your computers with issues at 9425 Old Eight Rd Unit #2 in Northfield Center. Open hours: Tueday 9:00am...

Jabbering With Julie – Sephora, Computer Problems – No Problem, and Party Update! (Audio and Video)

Sephora is coming to Macedonia, watch the video to see where. We have all the info about the new Park View Senior Living project. We...

Jabbering With Julie – Explosion in Town, New Location and New Services 2-21-2023 (Audio and Video)

Our hearts and prayers go out to the family of the man who tragically passed away, as well as the 14 others injured in...

Jabbering With Julie – More posers, TJ Maxx news and more! 2-13-23 (Audio and Video)

All of the articles mentioned in the show are on the website Jennies Gem's

Jabbering With Julie – New Sports Writer, New Business Directory and New Location Coming Soon! (Audio and Video)

Julie talks about the Optima Dermatology Grand Opening from last week (watch video walk thru here and the Onyx Open House coming up...

Jabbering With Julie 1-31-23 Grand Openings, Healthy Group and Garden Club News (Audio and Video)

Optima Grand Opening Onyx Grand Opening Zucchini, Pineapple and Quinoa Oh My group: Shake those mid-winter blues and join the Nordonia Hills Garden Club...

Jabbering With Julie – Jobs, Coupons and Other Local News (Audio and Video)

All the articles mentioned are here: Flip through the newspaper here:

Jabbering With Julie – 1-9-22 Three Grand Openings! (Audio and Video)

Optima Grand Opening Feb. 2nd 4:00pm - 6:30pm Onyx Grand Opening Feb. 6th 5:00pm -7:00 pm Ground Xero February 1st Chamber of Commerce will...

Jabbering With Julie 1-2-2023 Construction Projects and Tuscan Vine is NOW OPEN (Audio and Video)

Here is the link to what was showed on the show:

Jabbering With Julie – 12-19-22 Construction Update (Audio and Video)

Thank you to Roy Meadows for submitting the picture I used for my background today.

Jabbering With Julie – Lights, Sports and Donations! (Audio and Video)

Lot of these articles mentioned here are on our website: More going up tomorrow. Garvas Family Lights: Hugo's Tree Lot

Jabbering With Julie 12-4-2022 Drama, Tattoos and Walls (Audio and Video)

Jennies Gems Blossom and Bows Special Events at Roseland Christmas Around the World By Carley Rapp Macedonia Nutrition Studio Hoju Julie D. and Coash...

Jabbering With Julie – New Ad-Free Platform, Petal Praise Program and more! (VIDEO)

In her latest video update, Julie D from "Jabbing with Julie" shared several exciting announcements while sporting a festive hat gifted by fans Shannon...

Jabbering With Julie: New Indian Restaurant Coming to Town This Summer!

Transcript Hello everybody, it's Julie D, from Jabbering with Julie! I've got some exciting breaking restaurant news for our community - an Indian restaurant is...

Local Updates: From City Council Changes to New Business Resources in Northeast Ohio

In a recent community update, several significant developments across Northeast Ohio communities have been highlighted, spanning from local governance changes to business initiatives. Macedonia Leadership...

Jabbering With Julie – Small Business Support 2025 (VIDEO)

This video explores key topics for helping small businesses thrive, including: 1. Using social media to educate rather than just promote. 2. Planning effectively for 2025. 3....

How a Silly Spice Joke Caught Old Spice’s Attention!

While cooking recently, I grabbed a spice for my sauce only to discover it had expired a year ago. Inspired, I made a playful...