Category: Chamber Chatter

Chamber Chatter 6-8-18

If it’s June, its time for a PICNIC!!!  Plan to attend the 1st Annual NHCOC Picnic Meeting on Thursday, June 14; 11:30 - 1:00...

CHAMBER CHATTER 3-3-18 How is your Elevator Speech?

By Laura Sparano How is your Elevator Speech?  Not sure what that is or if you have one?  An elevator speech is a clear, brief message or “commercial”...

Chamber Chatter 2-9-18 – NHCOC Community Expo.  “BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS IS A MARATHON!”

By Laura Sparano You’re in luck - space is still available for the March 24 NHCOC Community Expo.  “BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS IS A MARATHON!”  Raffles, entertainment, food court, and...

Chamber Chatter 1-5-18 – Presentation on Setting Goals and Expo Info

2018 – Finally!  Did you lose your way in 2017?  Looking forward to the “new” in the new year?  Attend our Jan. 11 Chamber meeting where...

Thanksgiving chamber chatter

By Laura Sparano So what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?  I am thankful for Nordonia Hills – all 4 communities.  I’m thankful that the...

Chamber Chatter 10-27-17

By Laura Sparano Plans are being made for the Annual Chamber Holiday Party, Dec. 5, 5-8 PM at the Greenwood Village Community Center.  The committee, under the leadership of Marilyn Knapp-Walko (Mary...

Chamber Chatter 10-2-17

The Annual State of the Schools will be extra special this year!  We hope you can join us as we welcome new Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Superintendent David...


Independence, OH—The Chamber Bright Stars for 2017 will be recognized on Thursday, October 26th   at the semi-annual Chamber Leadership meeting and tenth annual Chamber Bright Star Awards...

Spot Light on Northfield Village July – Host Mayor Jesse Nehez (VIDEO) Executive Director Laura Sparano from the Nordonia Hills Chamber of Commerce talks with Jesse about what brought her to Nordonia, how she got started...


 The Nordonia Hills Duathlon & Community Fitness Walk is scheduled for Sat., May 13 at the Sagamore Hills Medical Center, Bldg. B.  This race...

EXPO 2017 Unofficially a yearly reunion for the community

Every year at the Nordonia Hills Community Expo, it happens! Friends that you may not have seen since the last EXPO pop up at...

Chamber Chatter: 5 Components of a Standout Job Description in 2022

By Christina R. Metcalf The past two years have brought about a lot of change in business. But many companies haven’t reevaluated their job descriptions....

Chamber Chatter: What Customers Want Post-Pandemic

By Christina R. Metcalf The results of a recent survey commissioned by GoDaddy and conducted by OnePoll of 2,000 Americans and what they want from...

Chamber Chatter: New Year, New You, New Biz: Find Your Motivation in 2022

By Christina R. Metcalf If you’re like me—and almost everyone else in this country—the end of the year is a time to look back and...

Chamber Chatter: Money-Making Email Subject Lines for Small Business Season

By Christina R. Metcalf There’s one more week left before Christmas, and it’s one of the busiest shopping weeks all year. Sure Black Friday and...

Chamber Chatter: 4 Things You Must Be Doing This Small Business Season

By Christina R. Metcalf We’re down to the last two weeks before Christmas with some of the biggest shopping days of the season still ahead...