Category: Community

Cuyahoga Valley National Park – Brandywine Falls (2021)

Brandywine Falls, 86 feet (26.2 m) high, at 41°16′37″N 81°32′17″W, Elevation: 814 feet (248.1 m) within Cuyahoga Valley National Park, is accessed by a...

Mental Health Awareness

As some of you may be familiar, May was mental health awareness month and April was Autism awareness month. Our team is constantly putting...

The Eaton Estate Annual Garage Sale

The Eaton Estate Annual Garage sale is on! June 4th and 5th. Below is the map and the listings

North Summit Lions Club to Hold Annual Golf Outing June 28 to Support Nordonia Hills Community

The North Summit Lions Club is holding their annual Golf Outing on Monday, June 28th at StoneWater Golf Club. This scramble format will have...

The Listening Eye: A Metaphor for Revitalization During National Poetry Month

By Estelle R. Brown The Listening Eye is reawakening. This literary magazine, published by Kent State University at Geauga, has produced a new edition of...

Rockin’ Frocks Prom Dresses

Rockin’ Frocks can help by providing a Prom Dress for any family needing a little extra help. Appointments are as COVID friendly as we can...

Nordonia Hills Memorial Day Parade 2021 Press Release

As previously mentioned in the March 9th press release, the Veterans of our post will be marching in the Memorial Day parade. We ask...

Nordonia Hills Rotary Presents a Paul Harris Award to Joyce Hunt from the Emergency Assistance Center (VIDEO)

PAUL HARRIS FELLOW RECOGNITION Rotarians associate the naming of a Paul Harris Fellow as a tribute to a person who has demonstrated a shared purpose...

Nordonia Hills Safety Town 2021

It's time to start thinking about registering for this year's Safety Town. Registration begins April 12th and Safety Town is scheduled for June 14...

Girl Scout Silver Award Project

This is a Girl Scout Silver Award Project If you don’t need clothes, you can come for the Girl Scout Cookie Booth.

Nordonia Hills Memorial Day Parade 2021

For anyone interested in being in the parade, please contact Greg Findura at 216-310-9276 or email

Nordonia Hills Garden Club will meet on April 17th

Calling All Green Thumbs! 🌱 Nordonia Hills Garden Club Monthly Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Macedonia City Center (1484 East Aurora Rd. -...

Local Sandwich Chain Partners with Children’s Cancer Foundation in Powerful Fundraising Campaign

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Western Reserve Grace Church Launches “Reclaim Ministries” to Support Addiction Recovery (VIDEO)

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UPDATE: The Persistent Hum in Macedonia: What’s Causing That Buzz?

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The Wonder of the Cleveland Metro Parks By Brad Nellis

By Brad Nellis Hello, I’m so pleased and honored to share my thoughts with you here! I appreciate the invitation very much. In my inaugural post,...