By Julie D'Aloiso
Our local Northfield Post Office honored one of their carriers that passed away recently. They processed with Macedonia Police escort, from the...
Dr. Joe Clark announced today on the school district's Live Facebook page the sessions for Safety Town
Monday August 10 - Friday 14.
Two sessions:
St. Barnabas recognizes that many families have been impacted financially by the COVID-19 pandemic and is reducing tuition for all new incoming students for...
The City of Twinsburg is seeking proposals to provide a quality restaurant service provider in conjunction with the existing operation at Gleneagles Golf Club....
Calling All Green Thumbs! 🌱
Nordonia Hills Garden Club Monthly Meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Macedonia City Center (1484 East Aurora Rd. -...