Category: Digital Journalism Club

The Freshman First 5 weeks; Freshman Experience

Starting a new school with all new people was a scary thought for me. I barely knew anyone, except for my friends from my...

Quicken Loans CEO, Jay Farner, Discusses Business Tactics as COVID Crisis Continues

By Darayus Sethna This past Wednesday, May 20th, the Cleveland Cavaliers offered another conference call for the local public to attend. In this past week’s...

Nordonia Highschool Class of 2020 Graduation Parade Trailer Teaser VIDEO By Nordonia Senior Shane Romero

Thanks to Nordonia High School Senior Shane Romero who managed to shoot video (with his mom assisting) while in the parade. He sent us...

1-12-20 Cleveland Sports Show with Darayus (PODCAST) Episode 67

Recorded: 1-12-2020 11:00 am Lots to talk about this week! First, we must always start off with Premier League updates! It has also never been...

1-8-19 Boys Varsity Basketball: Nordonia lost to North Royalton in OT 69-67 – Post Game Report by Darayus (VIDEO) See the team roster here. Click here for the schedule. Entire video with play by play by Darayus Sethna COMING SOON Here is video footage (from the...

Nordonia vs Green Boys Varsity Basketball 12-4-18 With Play By Play by Darayus Sethna (VIDEO)

Darayus is 16 years old and is a sophomore year at Nordonia High School. He is a major Cavs fan and enjoys watching the...

Home Sweet Home: LeBron James’ Return to Cleveland by Darayus Sethna

November 22nd, 2018 It was a gorgeous, but chilly night in Downtown Cleveland. I could see the bright lights of Key Tower and the lovely...

11-11-18 Cleveland Sports Show with Darayus (PODCAST) Episode #18

Recorded 11/11/18 at 1:00 pm. In today's episode of the Cleveland Sports Show, Darayus provides us with updates on the Premier League and the MLS...

Nordonia Fall Play Preview (Video) and Chipotle Fundraiser Info

All in the Timing will have shows at 3 and 8 PM on Saturday and at 3 PM on Sunday.  The show has come together...

NHS Girls’ Head Tennis Coach Ryan Vehar Preseason Interview (VIDEO)

  Here is their schedule this fall. Sam Milani talked with Coach Vehar about this season.

High School Spain Trip 2018 by Amira Alamin

Editor’s Note: Amira is currently a student at Nordonia High School and a member of the Digital Journalism and Sports Broadcasting Club by Amira Alamin Earlier...

Community is Invited to DNA at the High School! (video)

DNA Day is celebrated each year in April by schools and organizations nationwide. We intend on participating in DNA Day at Nordonia High School...

The Freshman First 5 weeks; Freshman Experience

Starting a new school with all new people was a scary thought for me. I barely knew anyone, except for my friends from my...

Quicken Loans CEO, Jay Farner, Discusses Business Tactics as COVID Crisis Continues

By Darayus Sethna This past Wednesday, May 20th, the Cleveland Cavaliers offered another conference call for the local public to attend. In this past week’s...

Nordonia Highschool Class of 2020 Graduation Parade Trailer Teaser VIDEO By Nordonia Senior Shane Romero

Thanks to Nordonia High School Senior Shane Romero who managed to shoot video (with his mom assisting) while in the parade. He sent us...

1-12-20 Cleveland Sports Show with Darayus (PODCAST) Episode 67

Recorded: 1-12-2020 11:00 am Lots to talk about this week! First, we must always start off with Premier League updates! It has also never been...

1-8-19 Boys Varsity Basketball: Nordonia lost to North Royalton in OT 69-67 – Post Game Report by Darayus (VIDEO) See the team roster here. Click here for the schedule. Entire video with play by play by Darayus Sethna COMING SOON Here is video footage (from the...