Category: Esther Verbovszky

Hug Me Joey Looking to Donate Products to Worthy Organization

Hug Me Joey would like to give the products left in inventory to a worthy organization. No payment is required. Information about the products is listed...

Positive Outcomes for Clients with Swallowing Issues – Case Study 2

A Gun shot patient who was only 16 years old was referred from CCF since patient was not making progress  with traditional swallowing...

Positive Outcomes for Clients with Swallowing Issues – Case Study 1

By Esther Verbovszky Patient John Smith aka John Smith and his wife came to the Cleveland Feeding and Swallowing Center LLC after John had suffered...

Hug Me Joey Looking to Donate Products to Worthy Organization

Hug Me Joey would like to give the products left in inventory to a worthy organization. No payment is required. Information about the products is listed...

Positive Outcomes for Clients with Swallowing Issues – Case Study 2

A Gun shot patient who was only 16 years old was referred from CCF since patient was not making progress  with traditional swallowing...

Positive Outcomes for Clients with Swallowing Issues – Case Study 1

By Esther Verbovszky Patient John Smith aka John Smith and his wife came to the Cleveland Feeding and Swallowing Center LLC after John had suffered...