Category: Financial News

Tips for Saving Money on Your Electric Bill This Winter

During the winter, electric bills often shoot up. After all, the heating system is one of the largest consumers of energy in a household....

How To Make a Daily Budget

No matter how much money is made, finances can easily spin out of control if they aren’t accounted for. In order to prepare for...

Best Sports To Play with the Whole Family

Staying inside at home with each other for a prolonged time gets on everyone’s nerves. There are only so many board games, jigsaw puzzles,...

How to Take Care of Yourself After a Car Accident

As unfortunately common as they are, car accidents are serious occasions. Even if you walk away without a physical injury, the incident can leave...

Best Ways to Budget for Real Estate Investing

There are many financial benefits to getting into the real estate industry. However, it’s daunting if you’re working with a budget. The good news...

How to Start a Successful Charity

Do you have a passion for a cause you want to serve? If you feel called to start your own charitable venture and meet...

Cost-Effective Ways to Heat Your Home

Traditional central heating systems are the most widely used method for heating homes, but they aren’t typically the most cost-effective option. Such systems are...

6 Budgeting Apps that Help Manage Your Finances

The litany of technological aide available to us has made budgeting a much simpler task than it used to be. No longer do we...

5 Effective Ways to Organize Your Personal Finances

It’s essential to have control of your money and spending habits, but disorganization can make it more difficult to do so. Below, we share...

Ohio’s new payday loan law is here by Melissa Martin

There are about 650 payday lending stores in Ohio—that's 650 too many in my opinion. But lookout lenders! "Predatory lending is any lending practice that...

How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Internet Scams

Scammers used to contact us by phone, or even by mail, but now they have shifted their primary focus to the Internet. You may...

4 Apps That Are Essential for Managing Debt

Citation:©/Adobe Stock We all know that debt is stressful. Sometimes the debt is so high that we would rather ignore it than figure out a...

How to add some fun to your budget

A budget can be a great and effective way to keep your spending on track, as well as helping you to save more in...

4 Things To Consider When Naming a Trustee

One of the most important parts of estate planning is choosing an honest and skilled trustee. Let’s explore the things to consider when naming a trustee.

Game, Set, Secure: Building Financial Security in the Sports Industry

For many, the world of sports isn't just a thrilling spectacle, it's a burning passion. But can this passion translate into a stable, financially...

5 Tips To Start Saving for Retirement at 40

Not everyone gets the same knowledge and opportunities simultaneously, especially with finances. Learn these five tips to start saving for retirement at 40.

When Is the Best Time To Open a Retirement Account?

It’s never too late to open your retirement account, but doing so as soon as possible is best! Read on to learn how to set yourself up for success.