Category: Jennies Gems

Cat named Squeaky needs Adopting

Squeaky was rescued by me originally as a kitten. The person who adopted from me back 3 years ago is now unfortunately dying of...

Cats named Rose and Petal needs Adopting – WAS ADOPTED

Rose and Petal were rescued by me from a hoarders house. They are both very loving and want attention. They would love nothing more...

Cat named Tiger needs Adopting

Tiger was rescued by a nice man after Tiger went looking for a human to care. Tiger is sweet and friendly and likes to...

Cat named Mitzi needs Adopting

Mitzi was rescued by me after the passing of her human mother and father. She was with them since she had been a kitten....

Cats named Andrew and Sadie needs Adopting– WAS ADOPTED

Sadie, a first time momma, with her children Sheri, Andrew and Alison were rescued by me after much searching. I had rescued the mom...

Cats named Cindy, Kylie and Kelly need Adopting– WAS ADOPTED

Cindy was rescued by me just before giving birth to Kylie and Kelly(and 2 children that didn't make it). Cindy is a good mom....

Cat named Edwina needs Adopting – WAS ADOPTED

Edwina was rescued by me after a family didn't "want" her anymore and was throwing her outside of no fault of hers She is...

Cats named Alison and Sheri needs Adopting

Sadie, a first time momma, with her children Sheri, Andrew and Alison were rescued by me after much searching. I had rescued the mom...

Cats named Anita and Danielle needs Adopting

Anita and Danielle along with their siblings, Ricardo and Leslie, and mother and Aunt, Sierra and Paris, were rescued by me after being abandoned...

Cat named Leslie and Ricardo needs Adopting

Ricardo and Leslie along with their siblings, Anita and Danielle, and mother and Aunt, Sierra and Paris, were rescued by me after being abandoned...

Cat named Edward needs Adopting

Edward was rescued by me after a family didn't "want" him anymore and was throwing him outside of no fault of his. He is...

Cats named Brandon and Nancy needs Adopting

Brandon was rescued by me within a couple of days of Nancy. I put them together and they became instant family. Brandon is a...

Cats named 1 spot, 2 spot, Archie, Ella and Eli need Adopting

1 spot, 2 spot, Archie, Ella and Eli were rescued with their parents after being left to die sitting on a piece of pizza...

Cat named Liz needs Adopting

Liz was rescued as part of a multi cat rescue. She is is super friendly and loving. She just wants to curl up in...

Cat named Rhoda needs Adopting

Rhoda was rescued as part of a multi cat rescue. She is friendly and ok with other cats. She loves be petted and get...

Cat named Lillian needs Adopting

Lillian was rescued by me with some of her kittens after being removed from an abusive home. She is not bonded to her kittens....

Cats named Kimberly, Nellie and Janey need Adopting

Kimberly, Nellie and Janey were removed from an abusive situation along with their mother (who is not bonded to them). They are available as...