Category: Longwood Manor House

Notes From The Manor presented by the Longwood Manor Historical Society

Welcome to Notes from the Manor, dedicated to the history of Longwood Manor; and its founder, Colonel William Frew Long, first mayor of the...

Longwood Manor Historical Society (LMHS) Meeting July 26, 2022

We had a meeting on 8/24 and extend a welcome to our new members. It has been a productive time at Longwood Manor.  The flat...

Longwood Manor Historical Society (LMHS) Meeting June 28, 2022

Click here for the Minutes from the 6/28/22 meeting OPEN HOUSE 7/31 and 8/28 from 1-4 PM Rummage Sale 8/12 from 9-4 and 8/13 from 9-3 Next...

Updates from Longwood Manor Historical Society

There is a lot happening at Longwood Manor over the next few weeks. 1.  Band Concert on Thursday July 21.  Posting of Colors by VFW...

Updates from Longwood Manor Historical Society

Updates from Longwood Manor Historical Society (LMHS) meeting held on March 27, 2022 Numerous projects around the Manor that have been completed or are in...

Longwood Manor Historical Society meeting highlights

LMHS held its meeting on 11/16/21.  Here are the highlights 1.   Community Expo was a success, lots of contacts made. 2.   Vice President Kathy has resigned...

Macedonia Haunted Manor (PHOTO GALLERY AND VIDEO)

Dear Friends of LMHS, I am very pleased to announce the success of the Haunted Manor! I’m sure we had close to 500 people come...

Wonderful Video Introduction of the Longwood Manor in Macedonia

Christmas Sleigh Photo Op more info Click here Holiday Craft Show more info Click here

Longwood Manor Historical Society Meeting Minutes October 27, 2020

PRESENT: John Cassmer, Dorothy Berman, Leslie Berman,  Deb Mikulski, Bob Thomas, Kathy Thomas Meeting opened at 6:35 PM by President, John Cassmer. NEW ACQUISITION: Kathy and Bob...

Longwood Manor Reopening Paranormal Society Plans to Attend

Greetings everyone; It's been a while but we will have our first monthly meeting of the Longwood Manor Historical Society Tuesday June 23rd at 6:30...

Longwood Manor Looking For Helpers

Greetings everyone. I hope you are all enjoying the warm weather. We will have a work session this Saturday (6/6) at 12 pm. We still have...

2024 Longwood Manor Christmas Open House Flyer

Holiday Open House at Longwood Manor on December 8th.

Longwood Manor News Update (and How You Can Help!)

Work has been progressing at Longwood Manor’s restoration. Longwood Manor, as you know, was the home of Colonel William Frew Long, first Mayor of the...


This Summer proves to be a busy one at Longwood Manor, 1634 East Aurora Rd, in Macedonia. Haven’t been to Longwood Manor? Here’s your...

Longwood Manor Updates

We have had a very productive year in 2023 at Longwood Manor.  Some of the events held include: First Annual Holiday Open House Haunted...