Category: Nordonia Schools

From the Macedonia Police Department: Forensic Class at Nordonia High School

Chief Golden, Det. Sgt. Turley and SRO Nicholl assisted Nordonia High School students with their annual Forensic Class. Every year, Mrs. Coleman invites the...

Engaged Nordonia Students Learn Practical Lessons About European Refugee Crisis

Macedonia -- On Friday, September 9th, high school German students took part in a classroom Skype conversation with several refugees living in Munich, Germany. These...

Meet The Knights Event

Dear Parents & Community I would like to invite you to our first annual "Meet the Knights" event this coming Monday, September 12, 2016. This...

From the desk of Dr. Joe Clark – Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools: Opioid Addiction Facts

You are undoubtedly aware that the abuse of and addiction to opioids such as heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers is a serious global...

Nordonia Hills City School District to Fix Stadium Retaining Wall After Discovering Faulty Construction and Design

Northfield, OHIO -The Nordonia Hills City School District is in the process of fixing the retaining wall under the high school stadium's home team...

Nordonia Football

  Follow the Nordonia Knights Football team in 2016 on your new Home for Knights: NordoniaHills.News

Stamp of Approval: 2016 Nordonia Youth Football Camp Wrap Up

By Andrea Stamp Earlier this month, the Nordonia Football family sponsored a Youth Football Camp for students in grades first through eight.  Combined with the...

Nordonia Hills Class of 1976 40 Year Reunion

Please join us for a Nordonia High School class of 1976 40 year reunion! Saturday July 30, 1-8pm VFW Pavilion, 8584 Olde 8 Road, Northfield $10 per person A...

Rob Eckenrode’s Presentation at Board Meeting

  Thank you for the opportunity to present at this evening’s board meeting.  We had another fantastic spring sports season:  The varsity baseball team finished...

From NCT Trustee Paul Buescher – Ditch Petition, Fire Levy, Etc.

DORWICK DITCH PETITION INFORMATION It appears that we have another controversial issue in our Township.  This time it involves a “Ditch Petition” for the Marwyck/Dorwick...

Jim Szabo’s June 17th 2016 Statement

By Jim Szabo One of the reasons I ran for school board is because I felt that there was a disconnect with the residents.  Unfortunately,...

Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr Summer Camp Performance

The Nordonia High School Drama Club's summer camp comes to a close Saturday, June 25th with a presentation of SchoolHouse Rock Live Jr. The...

Nordonia School Board Votes on Deep Cuts With Bigger Decisions Ahead

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Step Into the Magic of Nordonia Middle School’s Beauty and the Beast – This weekend! (VIDEO)

Experience the magic as Nordonia Middle School's talented students, under the direction of Kathleen Pellington, bring the beloved tale of Beauty and the Beast...

Nordonia’s participation the National School lunch program

NORDONIA HILLS CITY SCHOOLS today announced its 2024-2025 program year policy for  students unable to pay the full price of meals or milk served...

“Fill the Bus” to feed the community

Northfield, OH – September 3, 2024 - The Nordonia Hills City School District, along with Building Boosters of Nordonia Hills, Inc., will be hosting...

Nordonia Athletic Hall of Fame – Class of 2024

From: Nordonia Athletic Department   The Nordonia Athletic Department is pleased to announce the newest class of inductees to the Nordonia Athletic Hall of Fame. The...