MARCELLA “MARCY” CANNELL (nee Taranowski) age 97. Beloved wife of the late Alex; loving mother of Nick (Kathy), Tom (Cheryl), Cindy Swank (Bob), Alex...
SCOTT ELLIOT TANSKI; 47, Beloved son of Donna Tanski and Roger Tanski (Reba Delores); Stepbrother of Candace Zalick (Jeff), and Michael DeFabbo; Loving nephew...
LOLA SHARP (nee Zuchegna), age 87, of Brecksville, OH, died February 7, 2024, after a brief illness. Loving wife, sister, mother and grandmother, Lola was...
RICHARD M. BIALKOWSKI; 82, Beloved husband of 61 years to the late Marguerite Mary (Nee Metz); Loving father of Deborah, Donna Kutina (David Elias),...
ALBERT FREDERICK GRIMM age 100. Beloved husband of the late Anna (nee Yednock) and Lucy (nee LaPorta-Hockmuth); loving father of Claudia Hale (Robert), Joseph...
(nee DiNardo), age 102, passed away peacefully surrounded by her family January 24, 2024. Beloved wife of the late Joseph Lupica...
PATRICK WAYNE CUSTER; 30, Beloved husband of Ashley Theresa (Nee Calapa); Loving daddy of Joshua Wayne; Cherished son of Deborah Mastronicolas (Nick), and Michael...
Joan Elizabeth Houlahan (nee Scheuerman), age 88, of Northfield Center, Ohio passed away Tuesday, December 24th, 2024 with her family by her side.
Loving mother...
BARTON REED BENJAMIN, age 82, of Macedonia, passed away Monday, December 16, 2024. Beloved husband of Nancy Lee (nee McCullough); loving father of Brad S....