Police reports are samples of blotter items and not intended to be all-inclusive.
Improper Handling of Firearm Motor Vehicle/ Using Weapons while Intoxicated/OVI
Man arrested...
No bites or scratches were reported Sunday after two young males, who claimed to be werewolves, entered an East Aurora Road full-service pet company...
Police reports are samples of blotter items and not intended to be all-inclusive.
Skimmer might have swiped cash via ATM: A man told police...
An investigation into the January 22 police shooting of an unarmed suspect during an alleged shoplifting at Macedonia clothing store continues.
There were no new...
Police reports are samples of blotter items and not intended to be all-inclusive.
The most irritable man in the station stayed thirsty my friends:...
Police reports are a sampling of blotter items and not intended to be all inclusive.
Attempted electrical work wire theft defused: The foreman of...
Police reports are a sampling of incidents are not meant to be all inclusive.
Man threatens to shoot up and rob bank: Police were called...
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Violent Incidents
March 1: Domestic violence on Roosevelt Dr between father and son. Juvenile reported father hit him and pinned him down,...
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Domestic/Family Incidents
March 2: Domestic violence between mother and daughter on Canyon View Rd. Subject Ruby Lillith Burnett was arrested.