Category: Susan Govern

Train of Thoughts: “A Losing Battle”

By Susan Govern Many of you may be just like me. You take a long look at yourself during the middle of winter and you...

Train of Thoughts: “Summer Is For Sunburns And More”

By Susan Govern Summertime and the living is easy – sort of. Recently my family of four went on quite the adventure. We moved my...

Train of Thoughts: “A Language All His Own”

By Susan Govern They say any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. I am inclined to agree...

Train of Thoughts: “We Raise Them To Have Wings”

By Susan Govern Judging by the title of this essay, you may think I’ve started a new hobby of raising parrots, or perhaps chickens. Not...

Train of Thoughts: “Irritations”

By Susan Govern Life’s irritations, or what can be called pet peeves, can be as diverse as there are people walking the earth. Some people...

Train of Thoughts: “Moms Come In All Shapes And Sizes”

By Susan Govern Before I was even born, Harriet Nelson (of Ozzie and Harriet fame) was on T.V. basically doing what came naturally – being...

Train of Thoughts: “Those Were The Days”

By Susan Govern Birthdays are the mile-markers of our lives. Sometimes we look forward to them – our first double-digit birthday, Sweet Sixteen, Eighteen, and...

Train of Thoughts: “For dessert – antacid”

By Susan Govern Anyone cooking their first meal or their thousandth knows that it’s entirely possible to ruin even the most tried and true recipes....

Train of Thoughts: “Remember Me With Laughter.”

By Susan Govern When I wrote my first “Train of Thoughts” I stated there have been writers who have made me think, laugh and cry....

Train of Thoughts: “A Clean Start, Sort of.”

By Susan Govern The dictionary defines the word clean as to be free from dirt, marks, stains or unwanted matter. After several months of having...

Train of Thoughts: “Beeps in the Night”

By Susan Govern BEEP!  Wait for it – – – – BEEP! Waaiitt – – – – BEEP!  UGH! I thought it was that one…but now...

Train of Thoughts: February – A Special Winter Month

By Susan Govern Ah February! Twenty-eight days of winter that leads us to the month of Spring (good old March). February – our shortest month...

Train of Thoughts: “Last Stop”

By Susan Govern In August of 2016 I wrote my first “Train of Thoughts” essay and asked you to come aboard, but just as a...

Train of Thoughts: “If Life Offered Do-Overs”

By Susan Govern Some people claim life does come with second chances. In other words – you just might get lucky and get a do-over....

Train of Thoughts: “Vacations can come with surprises.”

By Susan Govern Back at the beginning of summer I saw a quote I thought was interesting. It read like the first sentence of some...

Train of Thoughts: “You’d think he’d know better by now.”

By Susan Govern As I’ve written in other essays, I’ve traveled a lot in my life. First were my vacations with my parents then with...

Train of Thoughts: “For Better – For Worse – For Retirement.”

By Susan Govern Last September I read a funny quote: “My husband just retired…please rescue me!” At the time I laughed when I read it, and...