Category: Summit County

In Honor of National Drug Court Month, Executive Shapiro Proclaims May 22nd as “Turning Point Drug Court Day”

May has been designated as National Drug Court month. Throughout the nation 3,142 treatment courts have served over 1.5 million individuals. Drug treatment courts...

County Executive Ilene Shapiro and County Council pass legislation naming Mental Health Awareness Month and Infrastructure Week

On May 15, 2017, County Executive Ilene Shapiro and County Council passed two pieces of legislation aimed at increasing awareness of two key issues...

County of Summit, Development Finance Authority of Summit County Fund Down-Payment for Jobs Program to Spur Local Development

On Friday, May 12, 2017, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro announced that the County of Summit and the Development Finance Authority of Summit County...

The County of Summit earns national achievement award for “Bringing Mental Health to Main Street”

WASHINGTON – The County of Summit’s health initiative, Bringing Mental Health to Main Street, has been recognized with an Achievement Award from the National...

Summit County Selects NOPEC for Opt-Out Natural Gas Aggregation Program

Summit County, Ohio - On Monday, May 8, 2017, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro executed the documents necessary for the County to join the...

County Executive Ilene Shapiro and County Council Declare Summit County Autism Friendly – First in State

(Akron April 18, 2017) Last night at a public council meeting, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro sponsored a resolution that was co-sponsored by County...

PRESS ADVISORY: Resolution to Declare Summit County “Autism Friendly”

Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro will be introducing her resolution declaring Summit County an “Autism Friendly Community” at the April 17, 2017 Summit County...

Summit County 2017 Summer Youth Employment Program Registration Is Underway

Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro announced today that registration is underway for the Summit County 2017 Summer Youth Employment Program. Youths between the ages...

County Executive Ilene Shapiro, County Council and Development Finance Authority of Summit County Announce Down-Payment for Jobs Program

On Monday, April 3, 2017, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro, Summit County Council President John Schmidt, Chair of County Council’s Planning and Economic Development...

The Russell M. Pry Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established at The University of Akron School of Law

Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro, City of Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan and University of Akron President Matthew Wilson announced the establishment of a scholarship...

Executive Ilene Shapiro Names June Carr Deputy Director of Employee Benefits

Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro has named June Carr to the position of Deputy Director of Employee Benefits.   Ms. Carr, who began her position...

Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro Announces Hiring of State Representative Greta Johnson

On March 2, 2017, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro announced that she has hired State Representative Greta Johnson to work in her Department of...

County Executive Shapiro encourages residents to ‘slam the scam’

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Today, March 6, is the sixth annual Slam the Scam Day, a part of National Consumer Protection Week. The public awareness campaign...

County Executive Shapiro announces You Lucky Dog! adoption event at Animal Control

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County Executive Shapiro encourages residents to wear orange, support Inclusion Day

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—County Executive Ilene Shapiro is encouraging residents to empower and support people of all abilities by participating in Inclusion Day. Summit County...


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County Executive Shapiro urges residents to take protections against card skimming

Summit County Executive Shapiro is urging residents to take extra precautions against fraudsters  when making transactions in person at a card reader. There have...