Category: Summit County

County Executive Ilene Shapiro, County Council And FirstEnergy Foundation Support The Battered Women’s Shelter

On Monday, February, 13, 2017, County Executive Ilene Shapiro, County Council President John N. Schmidt and Governmental Affairs Representative for FirstEnergy Corp. Renee Nied...

Time is Running Out to Purchase 2017 Dog Licenses in Summit County

Time is running out for Summit County dog owners to purchase 2017 licenses for their pets. Ohio law requires all dog licenses to be...

Executive Ilene Shapiro Takes Oath of Office Becomes First Woman to Lead County Government

Ilene Shapiro was sworn in as Summit County Executive in a ceremony at the John S. Knight Center Thursday evening, January 5, 2017. She...

Summit County Office of Consumer Affairs Issues Stickers for Fuel Pump Security and Protection from Credit Theft

On August 22, 2016, Summit County Council passed Ordinance #2016-272. The fuel pump security measure was adopted by County Council to help deter credit...

Three Projects Within Summit County Honored with State Historic Merit Awards

On Saturday, October 29th at the Ohio History Center in Columbus, the State Historic Preservation Office recognized three separate projects within Summit County with...

Olde 8 Road closure

Northfield Center Township, Ohio – Alan Brubaker, P.E., P.S., Summit County Engineer, would like to alert residents and motorists of the closure of Olde...

County Executive Shapiro encourages residents to ‘slam the scam’

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Today, March 6, is the sixth annual Slam the Scam Day, a part of National Consumer Protection Week. The public awareness campaign...

County Executive Shapiro announces You Lucky Dog! adoption event at Animal Control

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County Executive Shapiro encourages residents to wear orange, support Inclusion Day

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—County Executive Ilene Shapiro is encouraging residents to empower and support people of all abilities by participating in Inclusion Day. Summit County...


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County Executive Shapiro urges residents to take protections against card skimming

Summit County Executive Shapiro is urging residents to take extra precautions against fraudsters  when making transactions in person at a card reader. There have...