Category: Video

The Nordonia football team was presented today with Xenith helmets from the Cleveland Browns (VIDEO)

By Julie D'Aloiso Nordonia Football Coach Jeff Fox stated that he was grateful for the donation and introduced Darrell Taylor, Director of Youth Football for...

Nordonia Rotary Regular Meeting,Tuesday July 28th, 2020 (VIDEO)

The agenda can be found here. Speaker BIO Tim Gingerich-SpotOn Work Experience: SpotOn Transact LLC.-Account Executive Cleveland, OH 09/2019 - Present Flowers Baking Company-Area Sales Director Cleveland, OH 01/2005...

VFW Car and Bike Show 7-26-2020

Jabbering With Julie Online 7-24-2020 Construction Project Updates and More!

Julie talks about some of the construction projects around town, a local family that needs help and we now have the capability to live...

Interview with local burn victim Gabe and his parents (VIDEO)

By Julie D'Aloiso Gabe's family had a campfire on June 6th. In the evening, the fire was down to embers. Dad Michael was in the...

Macedonia Council Meeting 7-23-2020 (VIDEO)

Mayor talks mask mandate, ‘right in/right out’ project By Emily Chesnic “Yes, you should have a mask on, but no, the police should not enforce it,”...

Northfield Village Council Meeting 7-22-2020 (VIDEO)

Council approves vehicle purchases for fire, police By Emily Chesnic The Village of Northfield is acquiring two new vehicles for public safety, one for use by...

City of Macedonia BZA 7-15 and Planning Commission Meetings 7- 20: Don Basch Jewelers New Building, Chase ATM, Ohio State Waterproofing and more (VIDEO)

By Julie D'Aloiso The Board of Zoning and Building Code Appeals (BZA) Meeting 7-15 Click here for agenda Case #624- Applicant 1:  Michael & Kaitlin 1050 Brookpoint Drive...

Rotary Club of Nordonia Hills Regular Meeting – July 21, 2020 (VIDEO)

The agenda can be found here. Speaker BIO Tino V. Roncone Business Development Director, Restora Health. Owner- Projekt Strategies, LLC a Business Consulting and Strategy Firm. 25+ Years of experience...

Northfield Center Trustee 7-13 Meeting – Township Cell Phone Policy, Dunkin’ Progress, Flag Controversy, Edward A. Duber Honored and more 

By Julie D'Aloiso See link to agenda here - all legislation has passed. Here are the highlights from the meeting on July 13th. PURPOSE: To establish a...

Nordonia Graduate Carving His Niche at The Moonglow Lounge (VIDEO)

By Julie D'Aloiso Hidden in plain sight, in an unassuming building in Northfield Center is a mom and pop 60's Vegas cocktail lounge.  I talked...

“Cleveland Sports Show” Zoom Special: The Return of Sports (VIDEO)

By Darayus Sethna This week, I discuss how some of the world's most renowned sports leagues will be returning to action amid the Coronavirus Pandemic....

From Johnny at the A Merry Little Tree Lot

The Merry Little Tree Lot is officially open for the 2024 season!! Come by & take a look at our selection. We have Scotch...

Podcasting Unplugged: Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know (VIDEO)

Julie talks with Joshua about all the steps to producing a podcast: Planning Producing Promotion Fuzzy Things in the Corner of the Kitchen Podcast  Affiliate Links: Descript...

Journey from Trauma to Triumph | Author of Dictionary of Missing Time

Susan Eileen joins us to unravel the complex tapestry of addiction, mental health, and the path to recovery. As a recovery advocate and author...

Julie is Confused About Lebanon Baloney

In this video, Julie tries Lebanon Baloney for the first time and compares it to classic Salami. At first glance, they look identical, but...

Jabbering With Julie – No Borders Now