Category: Video

Nordonia Girls Varsity Volleyball 8-29-18

Nordonia Girls Varsity Volleyball team go down to defeat against Wadsworth tonight 3 - 1 (25-20, 23-25, 25-23, 25-19).

Village of Northfield Council Meeting 8-28-19 (VIDEO)

Summer is over and it's time to get back in the routine of council meetings. The first council meeting at the end of summer...

Nordonia kNight 5K and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run: The Start of a New Path Towards Better Mental and Physical Health Nordonia Hills School District held its first Annual Nordonia kNight 5K and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run. The event benefited the Nordonia Schools Health and Wellness...

City of Macedonia Executive Assistant Diana Augustine Honored Through NOPEC Recognition Program

Fast forward to 6:07 on the video timeline.

Reinecker’s Receives Proclamation From City of Macedonia For 60 Year Anniversary

MACEDONIA, OHIO. Family-owned Reinecker’s Bakery celebrates 60 years of baking authentic German sourdough breads and specialty items, using time-honored recipes and authentic German techniques...

Nordonia Rotary Meeting 8-20-19 (Video of new teacher introductions)

Macedonia Fire Chief Brian Ripley spoke about some of the departments new equipment and policies. 15 of the new Nordonia teachers were introduced by Supt....

First Annual Amazing Race: Winners – Photos – Video

By Julie D'Aloiso On a hot summer's day, racers lined up for the community wide scavenger hunt and received large envelopes with their tasks for...

Village of Northfield Council Meeting 6-26-19 (VIDEO)

By Julie D'Aloiso The village is accepting bids for some water damage on the south wall of the town hall. They accepted a bid from...

City of Macedonia Council Meeting 6-13-2019 (VIDEO)

  All items on the agenda passed:

Village of Northfield Council Meeting 6-12-19 (VIDEO)

The highlight of the meeting was when the University Hospitals Bedford Medical Center donated 4 AED units to the Village of Northfield According to Captain...

Spirit of Macedonia FunFest Fireworks 6-8-19 (VIDEO AND PHOTOS)

Video by Shane Romero and Photos by Nestor Romero. Shane is a Nordonia High School Student and Nestor is his father. What a great team...

From Johnny at the A Merry Little Tree Lot

The Merry Little Tree Lot is officially open for the 2024 season!! Come by & take a look at our selection. We have Scotch...

Podcasting Unplugged: Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know (VIDEO)

Julie talks with Joshua about all the steps to producing a podcast: Planning Producing Promotion Fuzzy Things in the Corner of the Kitchen Podcast  Affiliate Links: Descript...

Journey from Trauma to Triumph | Author of Dictionary of Missing Time

Susan Eileen joins us to unravel the complex tapestry of addiction, mental health, and the path to recovery. As a recovery advocate and author...

Julie is Confused About Lebanon Baloney

In this video, Julie tries Lebanon Baloney for the first time and compares it to classic Salami. At first glance, they look identical, but...

Jabbering With Julie – No Borders Now