Category: Video

City of Macedonia Special Meeting 6-21-17 – Paving company picked and New Dunkin Donuts was proposed (Video added)

By Julie D'Aloiso   Ordinance 55-2017 passed. The city of Macedonia will enter into a contract with Specialized Construction (1.6 million) for the repair of roads...

Northfield Village: Service Dept, Fire and Police Reports (UPDATE Video added) THE VILLAGE OF NORTHFIELD SERVICE DEPARTMENT 199 LEDGE RD NORTHFIELD VILLAGE, OHIO 44067 330 468 4363  Fax: 330 908 7014 Harold Jason Walters, Service/Building Department Superintendent Department...

Spirit of Macedonia Fun Fest 2017 (Photos and VIDEO)

Video by Gary Miller Photos by Julie D'Aloiso  

Macedonia City Council Meeting June 6-7-17 (VIDEO)

6 part-time Firefighters and one full-time Police and Fire Dispatcher were appointed by the Mayor. Joseph Schuerger and Christian Roe were not in attendance. Photo...

E5C4P3 Feature with Paul Soos – Journey Tribute Band Member (VIDEO)

By: Gail Holt Nordonia graduate, Paul Soos, has journeyed throughout northeast Ohio entertaining locals with a variety of musical styles since the early 1980’s. He...

Matt and Tyler Puma Interview #teamtessa Haylee Holt interviews Matt Puma and Tyler Puma as they get ready to participate in the Memorial Day Parade. Video by Gary Miller

2017 Memorial Day Parade and Ceremonies (Photo Gallery and VIDEO)

Photo by Victor and Sammy Milani Ceremony at the cemetery following the parade. Video by Gary Miller photos by Julie D'Aloiso

After Prom 2017 Video by Gary Miller

Macedonia Council Meeting 5-11-17 (photos and video)

By Julie D'Aloiso Before the officials discuss the business of the city, general comments are allowed. Vini Venture took this opportunity to announce that he will...

Spot Light on Northfield Village with Mayor Jesse Nehez – April

SPOT LIGHT ON NORTHFIELD VILLAGE VIDEO SHOW with host Mayor Jesse Nehez. This months' guests Fire Chief Jason Buss, and Village Engineer Richard Wasosky. Executive...

Nordonia High School Presents: Les Miserables April 21st, 22nd and 23rd (VIDEO PREVIEW)

By Chris Ramos The air is filled with the enthusiasm of young idealists. Political revolution lurks as a pending day. Enter 19th Century France, a...

From Johnny at the A Merry Little Tree Lot

The Merry Little Tree Lot is officially open for the 2024 season!! Come by & take a look at our selection. We have Scotch...

Podcasting Unplugged: Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know (VIDEO)

Julie talks with Joshua about all the steps to producing a podcast: Planning Producing Promotion Fuzzy Things in the Corner of the Kitchen Podcast  Affiliate Links: Descript...

Journey from Trauma to Triumph | Author of Dictionary of Missing Time

Susan Eileen joins us to unravel the complex tapestry of addiction, mental health, and the path to recovery. As a recovery advocate and author...

Julie is Confused About Lebanon Baloney

In this video, Julie tries Lebanon Baloney for the first time and compares it to classic Salami. At first glance, they look identical, but...

Jabbering With Julie – No Borders Now